Chpater 6

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What song is this?
It's our party we can do what we want! It's our party we can say what we want!...

"Hey girl!" I call walking in Kylie's door with my bag and a bunch of food.

"Hey boo!" Kylie says running down the stairs she hugs me and grabs the food bringing it to her room. "I ordered a pizza and there's a party at Nicki's house if you wanna go."

"I was hoping to stay in," I say walking behind her.

"Ok let's just talk for now." She sits on her bed and I sit with her. "So, obvi questions first! Whodoyoulike?!"

She said it so fast I could barley process what she said, realizing I laugh a little. Why? I have no idea. "Um, really no one. Surprisingly."

"No one?"

"Yeah, nope!" I shrug my shoulders, "what about you?"

"Um, I'm kinda crushing on Zach." She smiles when she says his name, and I smile at that. I like that she likes Zach he's sweet.

"You know what Zach will probably be at the party." Raising an eyebrow at her.

"I thought you didn't want to go?"

"Yeah but I want you to get him. Let's get the pizza then will go. Ok?"

Smiling she nods and hugs me. "Thank you! I love you!"

"I love you too! Now let's look hot!"

With that we go through her clothes, luckily were the same size. Finally choosing what to wear we end on her in a tight black dress and me in SHORT shorts and a crop top. When we get there we agreed to meet at the front of the lawn at 12:00. It was 9:30 so it gave 2 hours and 30 minutes. We lost each other pretty much right away but oh well. Grabbing a cup I walk around taking tiny sips, I didn't drink.

After 2 hours of dancing with this random guy I start looking around I spotted Jack G and I wanted to run but he noticed me too. Great. "Hey, babe miss me already? It's only been a day."

"Hey Jack and if I'd knew you were here I wouldn't have come." I say smirk.

"Ohh, that hurts!" He says putting his hand over his heart. I laugh a little, I mean I'm never gonna date him but I'll be friends.

Jack G P.O.V

"Ohh, that hurts!" I place my hands over my heart, she laughs. Yes! I got her to laugh! I can get any girl I want but so far she seems to keep out of my grip and I like it. I don't know why I want her so much, maybe it's because she doesn't want me. But everyone wants me!

"I'm surprised your not drunk!" She say smirking as she raises an eyebrow.

"Surprising enough I like to know what I say. Once a girl said I that I said that she was that hottest one here and that she should be my girlfriend. Needless to say she was fucking ugly and was the biggest nerd. So, now I'll know what you said." I poke her nose, I actually think I want her to really like me, I want her to not want to let me go and I want to prove I can get anyone. Maybe I'll stay but... Who knows.

"Yeah well I don't get drunk. See?" She holds up a full drink. "I take sips every 20 minutes or so."

"Can we talk somewheres a little quieter?" I kinda yell.

"Yeah but don't try anything!"

I grab her hand a pull outside and to the edge of the yard. It's a lot quieter here thankfully, she said 'don't try anything' so I thought this would be a place to talk maybe make out a bit. "So why don't you drink?"

Oh BoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz