Chapter 8

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Who sings this?
So I cross my heart and hope to die, but I'll only stay with you one more night...

"I don't like to share."

Nash stands in front of me ready to protect me. I don't like to share? Is he saying I'm his?

"I'm going to get you asshole!" And with that Nick charges at Nash, he tackles Nash to the ground and knocks both of us over. I quickly crawl away and Nick starts punching him. Then Nash grabs his fist and punches Nick in the face, getting up Nash kicks him in the stomach twice and comes to me.

"Are you ok?" He grabs my wrist and holds me close, his nose is bleeding and so is his lip but he cares more about me.

"I'm fi- NASH WATCH OUT!" I yell the last part as Nick charges again, knocks Nash over again and starts punching again. I'm fucking sick of this I run over and punch Nick as hard as I can in the head. He falls down out cold, I check to make sure there's a pulse and there is, it's like he's sleeping. Forgetting him I rush to Nash who's holding his nose. Sitting beside him, he looks bad.

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?!?" I say yelling, he gives me a look that reads, calm down.

"I'm fine, are you ok?" Again he's messed up and I'm fine yet he has to know, tearing a little I grab his face and kiss him. Hard. Not letting him pull away I continue to kiss his lips, then I kiss his nose, both eyes and back to his lips. I pull away and taste a bit of his blood on my lips but I don't care as long as I he's good, I'm good.

He just stares at my face long and hard until he stands up and pull me with him. Taking my hand he pulls me to his car, I let go to get my board then get in his car. He drives to his house and we walk inside going in to the kitchen. Opening the freezer he pulls out some peas and places them on his face, I just watch as he try's not to wince at the pain and I brake a little. This is my fault.

He opens his eyes and see my expression, "what's wrong?"

The way he says it makes me laugh a little, he didn't say it with sympathy it was more like 'why are you crying?' Like it's unusual. "It's my fault he came and punched you."

"How? He's just a fucking pussy who only takes girls who will suck his tiny little dick." That makes me actually laugh and I wince. Shit. He was looking away until I winced now he's staring at me, "let me see."

Nodding my head I pull up my shirt a little and show him my back which is bleeding because I landed on a rock when Nick tackled Nash the first time but I didn't notice till Nash got the peas. His gorgeous blue eyes look still hard but a little worried, he takes my hand and brings me to the stairs taking a step up hurts so I stop and try to get the energy. But he just comes down behind me and picks me bridal style and carries me up to the bathroom, man he's strong! When we get there he grabs a cloth holds up my shirt a little and dabs the wound. As he rinses the cloth in the sink I sit on the edge of the bathtub and just try to breath slowly but it really hurts. He turns me around so I'm facing the inside of the tub, then kneels down and continues to fix me up.

When he's done he brings me to what I'm guessing is his room and I sit on the bed he grabs some clothes and passes them to me, "here put these on. You can sleep here tonight if you want."

I nod my head and he nods too then says, "I'll be back in two minutes."

And he leaves shutting the door so I get change. I put on a basketball jersey and sweat pants, since the jersey is so loose I keep my bra on. Thankfully I wore a sports bra today. After I get the clothes on I put mine on his chair and pull off my necklace and fold it into my shirt and grab my dog of tag, I hold and breath. After that I look around his room, dark blue walls, dark brown almost black hardwood floors and his room is pretty neat. I hear the door open to see Skylynn peek her head in. "Hi, sky. Remember me? I'm Kaylas sister."

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