Chapter 7

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Who sings this?
Oh won't you stay with me? 'Cause you all I need...

Art class

I'm currently sitting in art class drawing a watch. Why am I drawing a watch? Because it is one of Nash's tattoos and it is stuck in my head.

"Excuse me Alex could you please come and show me what your drawing?" Miss Lance asked.

At that moment I realized that I am the only one not drawing some sort of flower. "Um Sure coming."

I pick up my drawing and walk over to her. I hand her my drawing and she starts to inspect it saying hmmm and oh ok. Everyone in the room has their eyes one me and Mrs. Lance "I like it. How did you come up with it Alex?"

"I um..." I think about lying and not telling everyone about Nash and I. I'm pretty popular and I've got a reputation. No. Screw it, screw them. I enjoy hanging out with Nash. "Um, it's my friend Nash's tattoo. He's the new student, kinda Emo. Anyway it's one of my favourite tattoos he's got because it's such an old looking watch and it has a lot of detail to it."

"Hmmm," Mrs. Lance looks at it again and everyone behind is whispering. "Ok, I've have gotten an opportunity for a brochure, I choose a student I think has enough talent for the piece of art and usually I would have let them choose the drawing but... I choose you and I want this watch in it."

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!" I give her a hug and my smile is from ear to ear.

"No problem dear, now you take this down to the office and when you get back I want to see a drawing of a flower on my desk at the end of class."

"Ok!" And I scurry out of the room.

After I dropped off the drawing I was walking back to class when I hear my name called, Turing around I see Jack G running to me. When he reaches me he quickly pushes me again get the wall with one head by my head and the other on my waist.

"Hey babe miss me?" He ask leaning close.

"No, but you seemed to miss me." I shot.

"Ooohh, cat got scratch. I like my ladies feisty!"

"Oh well I like my guys decent. You know? Oh wait you don't because you go from girl to girl. Jack your a Fuckboy. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. And you always will until a girl puts you in your place, or when you get STD's or some other disease."

"Maybe I am, but I'm irresistible and you know it." He was so close to me we were sharing breath.

"Frankly I seem to be resisting you quite easily." I smirk, "Jack no matter what you do I'll never go out with you."

Out of the corner of my eye is see someone watching and its Nash. I look back at Jack but his just staring at the wall where I was. Without another word I leave them both behind.

End of the day

For the rest of the day I avoided Jack Nash and Nick. Not really wanting to go home I went to the soccer field to practice some drills. It was all kind of fun until I noticed someone walking up to me and out of everyone it just had to be Nick the Dick.

"What do you want." I don't want to talk to him nor do I have to so why can't he just go away.

"I'm here to see my girlfriend." He replies.

"Girlfriend." I scoffed. "Maybe you should try the strip club. That's where all the sluts go."

"Well you're not there are you? Besides everyone already knows how much you dearly miss me so why don't you just come back I mean I'd be doing you a favour."

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