Chapter 13

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So this is what I was thinking her scars would look like... And yes I do realize they have two different skin tones.

Who sing this?
When you feel my heat, look into my eyes it's where my demons hide...

I wake up to a boring room, white floors and a beige colour on the walls. I look to a table siting nearby full of flowers, balloons and cards. I stand up to stretch my legs and walk to a mirror; I look fine, a little tired but overall fine. Until I look down. My left arm has two large cuts, bruises and stitches. My right arm is fine but my left, Woah. I walk back to my bed and sit criss-crossed and hit the 'call nurse' button. A strawberry blonde mid 20s lady comes in waring light pink nurse pants and a tweety bird shirt.

"Well look who's awake! I'm Linda your nurse. How are you feeling?" She says taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm alright, but I'm not exactly sure what happened here." I point to my arm and she gives me a small smile.

"You were at the beach with your friends and a shark came for you, and well he got some of you and you got some of him."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll be right back," and she walks out of the room. Attacked by a shark? Oh right. I remember pushing Nash in front of me and trying to pull my arm away from something. Poor Nash he'll probably never come back to the beach now and he didn't even want to go that deep anyways. Well my bad at least he's alright. Wait, where are they anyways?And how long have I have I been in here?

Before I can think about anything else Kayla runs in, "LEXI!!"

She dives on me and hits my arm and I cry out in pain, I didn't mean too but I couldn't stop it. Kayla looked so scared and she was about to start crying, wow she and Skylynn look a lot a like!

"Be careful Ky her arm is looking pretty bad." I up and see Jena, I jump up and hug her. "Hey how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, my arm hurts but that's a given. How are you?"

She giggles and hugs me again, "Wow haven't we missed you around! And seriously you've been in here for 3 days and you don't even complain about your arm? People could learn things from you."

I pick Kayla up with my good arm and look at Jena, "Can we get out of here? I hate hospitals."

The nurse comes back in, "Oh I was about to get you guys after I got the tooth."

I arch my eyebrow, "What tooth?"

"Well like I said 'he got some of you and you got some of him.'" And she hands me a jar with 2 huge shark teeth.

"Wicked!! That was in my arm?"

"Yep, I don't know if you'll be happy or annoyed by this but," she takes a breath. "You were the only one the shark attacked. It probably would have been more if you hadn't have run and the boy you push in front you last second. He would have been diner if it wasn't for you, so good job!"

"That's amazing!! Kinda sucks my arm looks bat shit ugly but I'm glad that I was able to save other people who were going to be diner."

"Well good because your kinda famous." Jena says.


She walks past me and turns on the TV and switches to the news channel and it's me and the man that helped me then it switches back to a man with moustache and he starts to speak, "A young 17 years old girl was attacked by a shark at Clara beach, there were no other victims at the time thankfully. We are sad to say that the young lady is still in the hospital, but we'll keep you posted."

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