Chapter 17

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Who sings this?
Ignite the light and let it shine just own the night like the 4 of July cuz baby your a firework come and show what your worth...

Jack reacts immediately. He takes my hand and pulls me into his car and starts speeding away. I don't speak, I don't move, I just sit there stunned about what just happened. Jack pulls up to my house and takes my keys from my hand unlocks the door and pulls me in. And I can finally speak. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!" I just start to hyperventilate. "IT SHOT!! NEAR!!! NEAR HEAD!!! YOU MOVE RIG- mmhhh"

I couldn't speak anymore because Jacks mouth was blocking mine. I don't do anything but put my hands on his arms. I would pull away but he is just calming me down and that's what I need. When he finally pulls away he looks worried. "I'm sorry you were just so worked up it was the first thing that came to mind."

"Honestly it's okay... But how did you know what to do?"

"My father lived in a sketchy place growing up and he learn that when you hear a shot, run." He takes my hand and guides me to my room, once we sit down he continues. "He was worried all the things he did as a teen would come on me, so if I ever heard a gun shot take anyone you possibly care about and run."

I don't say anything I just nod my head. I lay down on my bed and Jack gets up to leave. "You never answered my question."

He turns and gives me a look. "Fine... There was a girl who I thought I was in love with, but she played me. I told her I give her anything because I loved her, so she asked for my virginity but... She didn't ask... She just took." He shook his head and sits beside me, I sat up and out my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder. "She had a knife and if I didn't do something right it was on cut on me..." He lifted his shirt in the back and there was a giant slash. "I didn't do something right, actually I didn't do a lot right but I still thought I loved her! After that she just disappeared and I haven't seen her since and thank god about that." I was crying and he slide back on my bed till he was leaning against the wall and he was also crying a little himself. I went to him and just sat beside him, so he knew I'm there. "I don't know why I loved her in the first place she played guys all the time... But sometimes the guys she played also disappeared." He sighs. "I may play girls but I'd never literally hurt them, I just let them feel the pain I felt in here." He weakly pats over his heart and his tears fall faster. "I play girls because no one loves me. No one is here for me. I don't actually have any friends, I have guys wanting to be like me... But I don't want to be me." He shakes his head. "My life at home is just as bad... My to drunk to care mom and dad well he's dead so are my sisters... Who killed them? Oh my mother and the only reason I'm alive is because she... Because I saw and she wants a man to... Satisfy-" He cries harder. "He wasn't aiming for you Alex, he was aiming for me, because I payed him to." This time I shake my head, "I would've stay so he could shoot again but I didn't want someone I care about to see that. You weren't supposed to be there, you weren't supposed to ask me that! You were supposed to reject me so that it would have been easier to say goodbye!" he turns and looks at me. "WHY DIDNT YOU LEAVE?!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STAY?!?"

I couldn't help it but cry harder. I didn't know Jack was so broken, I would have helped him! I shake my head and yell back, "BECAUSE I NEED YOU!! Jack I need you in my life!" He looks taken back. "I may not want to date you but that doesn't mean we can't be friends! Or best friends! Jack I'm here for you! I will always be!"

He shakes his head, "that's what they all say." I grab his face and turned it towards mine and hug him. I like him and his heart needs mending and if this can help at least the smallest bit, it's worth it.

I moved over and sat on his lap I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands around my waist. I held him with all my strength as he kept crying on my shoulder. I pull away from him and look into his deep brown eyes, "for me please stay." I rest my forehead on his, "just stay with me."

He looks at me and study's my eyes and after awhile he slowly nods. I nod too and lay down on my bed pulling him down with me. "Tell your guy to go away because I'm here and will be for as long as you need me to be." He gave me a small smile and nod. He leans in and kisses my nose and mouths a thank you. "Now sleep and Jack you'll be living here from now on." I wrap my arms protectively around him and close my eyes when I felt his arms wrap around my waist, so I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Ok so I was like near tears writing Jacks speech there. 😭😭 okay I actually wasn't because I like never cry but I did feel a lottle on the sad side. Sorry for that by the way I thought I needed more about him. And yeah I know kinda a short chapter but whatever... ⌛️




Love ya babes 💕

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