Chapter 14

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What song is this?
I feel so high, I come alive, I need to be free with you tonight...

Jena and I went shopping and I got some more high waisted shorts and jeans, some new crop tops, new tops (normal tanks, t shirts, long sleeves.) and new shoes. Plus I got some new cleats and soccer shorts and I got new work out clothes. So technically I got a whole new wardrobe. But the entire time all I could was think about is what Jack said, it was sweetish but also very cocky. So he might like me but he may be just be continuing the player ways.

"Hey Jena ready to go?" We're currently sitting in the food court and I'm bored because Jena left my phone at home. She glances at me then straight back to her phone. "Jena?"

Still not saying anything and I hear a ding and she reads the text. "Ok let's go."

I grab my bags which were kinda heavy and I've got let six on my right arm because I can't use my left. "Were you texting a boy? Does Jena have a boyfriend?" I tease because it's fun.

"No, no boy can handle all the fucking sexiness!" She gestures to her body. "Besides I've got you and Kayla."

"Ok, but your fucking sexy 23 year old body won't be here for ever. And neither will me and Kayla."

"Yeah, but I've got time. An-."

"Your going out with Sara and Lucy tomorrow night. Clubbing." Sara and Lucy are here best friends and they love to party.

"Fine." And with that we get in the car and drive home.

When we get home it's 9:00 and kinda dark out, Jena goes for the bags so I go and unlock the door. After I finish struggling with the key I push the door open and turn in the lights.

"SURPRISE!!!" My friends jump out from behind where ever they were and come and give me a big group hug. "Welcome home!"

Everyone lets go and starts to talking, dance or grab a drink. Smiling from ear to ear I turn to Jena, "Was this all you?"

"Nope Hun. I just said yes them, they are your real party planers." She points over to Kylie, Jack J and Nash.

I rush over and hug them. "Thank you guys!"

"No problem boo! I love you and it's the lest we could do!" She kisses me on the cheek and walks over to Jena.

"I love you, and you know I'd do anything to see that lovely smile of yours." Jack says and gives my right side a bear hug and walks away.

I turn to Nash to see him smirking. "What?"

I try to catch his eye but I guess we're done with that. He shrugs, "I didn't think of a lovely message for you."

"Eh, well." I shrug.

"Ah, but follow me." He lightly takes my hand (right) and brings me up to my room. Odd. I walk over and sit on the bed and he closes the door behind him.

"What is it?" I'm confuse for why he brought me here.

He sits down on my bed and leans against the wall.

"Thank you." He whispers.

"For what?" I know exactly what he's talking about but I wanted to be a little funny.

I didn't work. He looks me in the eye and the blueness of his eyes swallow me. So beautiful. He face is dead serious and not a hint of laughter. "For saving me."

"Nash it's okay. I know you'd do the same." I crawled over and sat beside him, our left arms are nearly touching and both of us with our backs to the wall facing my wall mirror.

I was watching me in the mirror when he spoke up. "Can I see?"

I look at him through the reflection and he's looking directly at my arm. I nod and pull my cardigan off and turn so I'm side ways to the mirror. He hovers his hand over my arm then slowly brushes the cuts and stitches. I just watch his face as he takes my arm in.

"You got hurt because of me. Where's Cameron?" He looks me back in the eye.

"Um I broke up with him on Wednesday before Kylie and I came to the beach. I told you remember?"

He shakes his head and says nothing, so I decide to speak. "Are you okay?"

He looks at me and doesn't answer and I realized how much I missed him so I grab him and pull him into a bear hug.

He brakes the hug and looks me in the eye. "I've got something for you."

"Yay! A present!" He chuckles and hands me a necklace. But not just any, my brothers dog tag.

"Oh my- where? How? You?" I stopped trying to talking and just smile brightly. "Thank you." He takes and puts the necklace around my neck.

Awhile later we were just talking about anything and everything completely ignoring the party. "I'm going get going now it's pretty late and you Thorn need sleep."

Nash starts to get up but I hold on to his waist and pull him to lay down with me. "Thorn this isn't how people leave."

"Stay." I mumble and I wrap one arm and his chest and I pull the other though his hair.

He try's to get up but I just hold tight. "Thorn-"

"Stay." I say more firm and this time he stays. Since that toke up all my energy I whisper, "You make me feel safe."

And everything turns black.

Awwe Nash is so sweet possible for a relationship in the future? Maybe, maybe not!




Love ya babes 💕

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