Chapter 15

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Who sings this?
I wanna thrill you like Michael, I wanna kiss you like prince, let's get it on like havery, like Hathaway...

The next morning

When I woke I felt cold but I had my blankets on me? The events of last night came flooding back to me like a waterfall and I sit up wondering where Nash went. As if on cue Nash opens the door, then opens it wider realizing I was awake.

"Morning Thorn." He says walking over and sitting at my desk chair.

"Hey dude." I stretch then wince at my shitty arm. Deciding to ignore the pain I ask, "Where were you?"

"I was downstairs helping Jena clean the house." He shakes his head. "Yes I'm decent enough to help a girl clean her house, but doesn't make me a softy." He says the last word like its filthy.

"Well sorry." I say sassy.

"Come on, I've been told to take you to the café." He pulled me up by my waist.

"Um, Nash did you realize I need to get change?" He looks me up and down shrugs and walks out of my room yelling 10 minutes over his shoulder. Boys I think. I look through the new clothes I got and decide to wear one of them.

I decide on a colourful Bando and a black tank top over top, blue shorts with lace on them and some sandals. With my dog tag on I put a long cross necklace on and a bracelet. I walk into my bathroom wash my face and put on some black winged eyeliner and brush my hair out which has grown pretty long about half way down my back and since it's already straight I leave it like that. Once I brush my teeth I walk down stairs and see the house all clean.

Nash looks up at me, "good I was about to go upstairs and carry you down."

"Well alright then, come here."

"What?" He looked pretty confused it was funny.

"Come here and grab my sun glasses." With a raised eyebrow he walks over carefully like I was going to attack him. When he gets to me I grab the glasses and put them on then turn him around and hop on his back. I point through the wall to his car and yell. "TO THE CAFÈ!!" He just chuckles and brings me there.

At the cafè
When we get to the cafè I jump on Nash's back again and he walks up to the lady behind the counter.

She chuckles at us. "Hello what can I get the lovebirds?"

I laugh and was about to tell no but Nash speaks up. "Um, we'll take a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and two hot chocolates."

I was shock that he didn't correct her, does he want to date me? He likes me? No I'm looking way to far into this... Right? He turn us around we walk over to my friends? I didn't even see them! When we get there he puts me down and I sit beside Kylie. "Hey Flower! I didn't even know you guys were here! Nash was just like- Ohhh!"

"Yeaaahhh, I said 'I've been told'" Nash explains they all laugh at my stupidness and I just sit there pouting. Well that is until the pancakes come, my face lights up like a Christmas tree or at least that's is what JJ said. I dug right in considering I was vary hungry.

"Okay where should we go?" Kylie asks whole looking around at everyone.

"Skatepark?" Jack suggest.

"Um, I might be extremely bored." I say chuckling.

"Oh! I know! I know! I know! Movie day! It's suppose to rain anyways!" Kylie practically yells.

"Oh yes!" I agree right away.

"Well let's go to target and get movie and snacks." Nash says. Both Nash and Kylie brought their cars so the girls drove together and the boys drove together. When we got their Kylie and I run to the movie isle while the boys stopped to get a cart. I grabbed action and horror which are my favourite kind of movies, but Kylie being Kylie choose a bunch of romance.

"Why so many romance Flower?" She looks at the movies in her arms.

"Your right! Screw romance today!" She shoves all the movies in her arms to another shelf through her arm in the air. "Off to the comedy!"

I laugh and follow her while the boys follow us. After Kylie chose many movies we made our way to the snacks, I ran and grab green apple Jones -which are the best by the way!- we grabbed popcorn, candy, chips, chocolate and strawberries. We finally left the store spending over 150$ which everyone contributed in on. We all went to Kylie's house because her parents were away, yeah I know we should be partying but that's my group for ya.

Kylie and I go up stairs for blankets and pillows whilst Nash pops popcorn and Jack try's to figure out her mini theatre room DVD player. I pull a big comfy blanket out of her linen closet. "So how's you and Zach going? I fell like I haven't asked you about him in a long time!"

"Oh um..." She looks away and grabs another pillow. "We actually broke up...yeah."

"Oh my god flower I'm so sorry!" I walk over and hug her. "How long ago? God I'm a shitty friend for not seeing this!"

"No, No! God no! I broke up with him just on Wednesday. During lunch. Well he broke up with me. And besides you couldn't have know! Us finding out right after school Cameron's cheating, then the shark, then you being out cold for three days. You couldn't have known."

"I'm sorry tho." I say looking her into the eyes, if Zach can't see how great, pretty and wonderful she is then he definitely doesn't deserve my best friend!

"I'm not even that bothered because I like someone else anyways." She shrugs and grabs a few more pillows.

"Ohhhhh, who!?" I grab another blanket and head back dow to the boys.

"You'll find out soon enough." She smirks and I groan and hop on the couch, she has a L shaped couch and I love sitting in the part where the both connect. I sit cross legged and pull the coffee table so it's right up against the table. Nash puts the popcorn bowel, strawberries, chocolate and the Jonas. Kylie sits beside me, Jack sits beside her and Nash sits ahead of me on the lounger.

We started at 11:30 am and it was now 10:00 pm and we decide to be normal teenager... And ordered a pizza. We watched; Fast and furious 3,4, Harry Potter 6, Grown ups 2 and Annabelle, and we still weren't done. We all agreed to continue our movies.

I'm sitting at my spot on the couch and Nash is putting 50 first dates in the DVD player while Kylie and Jack went to the kitchen to get more food. Nash and I have now been sitting and wanting for Ky and Jack, we can hear the beeper for the microwave so we get up and go to the kitchen and see what's taking them so long.

We walk in and Kylie is sitting on the counter while Jack is standing in front of her and their making out. WOW! What? I look at Nash and he looks just as surprised. I clear my throat and they brake away and look at me and Nash, Kylie's face turns beet red and so does jacks. But I walk to the microwave and pull the new bag of popcorn out and Nash grabs more drinks from the counter as if we didn't just walk ins on them making out. We walk back to the door but before we leave I smirk at Kylie and Nash winks at Jack. Needless to say they were back to Nash and I within seconds.

So whatcha think? Did you see that coming? Ha how about Jylie? Think about it.




Love ya babes 💕

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