Chapter 18

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Waking up and seeing Jack looking so peaceful was heartbreaking. I thought about what he told me and I knew what I had to do. I lightly shook Jacks arm until he stirred. When he rolled over to look at me there was tear stains dried on his face.

"Jack we need to go to the police about your mother." I say in a calm voice not knowing how he was going to react. He stayed silent just laying there staring at me.

Finally he takes a deep breath, "yeah, we do. But she's still my mother."

I shake my head, "she might've giving birth to you but the things she has done are not okay and that's not how a good mother acts."

He just nods. I get up and go to the bathroom. I shower and towel dry my hair. I walk back to my room where Jack is sitting on the edge of the bed with his forearms braced on his thighs. "Come on let's get you clean up and fill your stomach."

He looks up at me with a sad, tired expression and follows me to the bathroom. When he's done and has made his way downstairs I hand him a bowel of cereal. When we're finish I take his keys and drive us to the police station. I tell the police officers everything Jack told me yesterday and then they take Jack in a back room.

Before he goes he says, "wait can she please come?" The officers look at eachother and nod they're head. Jack looks at me, "only if you want too."

I take a deep breath and nod, following them into a back room with a kind looking gentleman. I take a seat next to Jack and he takes my hand. I don't pull away because he needs all the support he can get right now.

A few hours later

After the police station I called Nash to pick me up and he came with no questions ask and I couldn't be more grateful. Jack told the police his full story and his mom had be arrested before over drugs so they went straight to Jack house and arrested her.

It turns out any evidence they needed was at Jacks house and his mother was arrested and was probably going to be in prison for a very long times. They decided that Jack should go to a new school with a therapist to help with all the trauma he's been through from his childhood. I told Jack to call me if he ever needed anything which he immediately turn into a dirty joke.

Sitting on my bed with Nash, we sat in comfortable silence him on his phone and me staring at nothing.



"Are you okay? Like at home and everything?"

"Yes Thorn nothing is happening to me, I'm not like Jack."

I snap my head towards him. "What do you mean by that? You're not like Jack? As if he chose what happened to him?" I snap at him, how he be so insensitive?

"Thorn listen-"

"You know I get you don't really care about anyone but yourself but sometimes even pretending is the best thing to do and-"

"Alex would listen to me!?" He shouts shutting me up. "I mean I'm not Jack! I'm not in the same situation as him, that I'm okay. As for I care about no one but myself that's far from the truth! I care about Skylynn and I care about you. You don't know what has happened to me or what I go through. So keep your mouth shut before you start assuming."

He gets up and starts walking to my front door. But I'm not done yet, "Excuse me?! Maybe I don't know anything about you because you tell me jack shit! I know that you're a closed off person but if you care about me like you claim then you would tell me about yourself!" I follow him through the house as I yell, " You're just a poser who tries to act tough and like no one gets your life! Because guess what I've seen you with your family and you should be super happy with what you've got!" He's about to open the front door when I scream, "Stop being a coward and man up to how you feel!"

He had the door half open when I finished and he just froze. He slams the door shut and turns to me. I'm breathing heavily trying to calm my rage. "Coward? Really? I'm not a coward. I'm also not a poser, just because I don't care what people think about me."

He speaks low and dangerously and he walks over to me as he does. I keep backing up until I hit a wall and have nowhere to go. "As for how I feel..." he is right in my face his body caging me against the wall. "You wanna know how I feel about you?" He whispers sending chills down my spine. We were sharing our breath and his smelled like mint. Without thinking I licked my lips which made his eyes shoot to them. His pink lips were open and he was slightly chewing on his piercing.

"Yes," I breathed and it was barely audible but he heard it and didn't hesitate. His lips smashed on mine and his hands one on my hip the other on my chin. I put my hands one on his muscle and the other in his hair.

We were electric and couldn't stop. I just needed more of him and just kissing wasn't enough. As if he read my mind he grab my thighs for me to jump and wrap my legs around his waist, I do so breaking the kiss momentarily to catch my breath and he carries me up to my bedroom. When in there he shuts the door with a kick and carries me over and places me on the bed making sure not to break the kiss. He lays on top of me making sure to hold himself from crushing me.

Breaking the kiss he pulls off his shirt and then goes straight for my neck. I moan as he bites my neck knowing that when we're finished here there'll be a hickey. He pulls back and smiles at his work he goes in for another kiss but instead i push him over on the bed and straddle him. I go for his neck because if he gives me a hickey then I'm giving him one. When I'm done I pull back and look him in the eye both of us are panting and you could cut the sexual tension with a knife.

He sits up me still straddling him and kisses me. He puts his hand under the hem of my shirt and places his hand over my bra he pulls back from the kiss.

"Is this alright?" I smile and kiss the answer and I start to pull my shirt off which he happily helps with. We couldn't stop not that we wanted to. He was my drug and I was addicted and I couldn't get enough.

Holy shit so that was sexual.

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