Chpater 11

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What song is this?
Today I swear I'm not doing anything, I'm just going lay in my bed...

2 weeks later
It's been two weeks since the party, Nash's face is a lot less bruised and so is Britney's skull. But when ever I'm with Cam and Nash walks by Cam kisses me and I do the same to Cam when Brit comes by. Me and Cam have been doing great almost 2 months for us! Kylie and Zach have been going strong too and Jack J has found a nice girl. As for Jack G he flirts with me a lot less but I know he still wants me.


Snapping away from my thoughts Mrs. O'neil is looking at me, "Yes?"

"Listen up. Ok class we're going to work in partners for this next project. You have to make a short story and a picture for the front. Now before you get excited, I'm choosing! So here they are listen close for your name:
Jack and Kaylee
Nick and Lynn
Sarah and Luke
Nash and Alex
Britney and Caleb
Now go to your partners and start discussing what going happen in your story. Remember you have 2 weeks!"

Ha, poor Caleb, Brit is going to be all over him. Now who was I with again? Hearing someone sit beside me I look and see tattoos, but one that catch my eye is the clock. Cool, wait. Crap.

"Hey." Nash says staring at his page in front of him.


We sit in awkward silence until I chose I should apologize about that party. I open my mouth but he cuts me off. "I know what going to say and I don't care. It's fine."

"Fine, see if I care." I look away from him. "Honestly I just want to get this project over so then you won't have to talk to me and don't worry this doesn't need trust. Ok? So what do you want to do this story about?"

Before he could answer someone yells a crossed the class, "Are these going to be presented?"

"No, and next time raise your hand!"

Nash looks up for a second at the teacher then looks back down, "Us."

I bearly heard him, us. "Nash, there is no... Us."

"I mean the difference between us and why we were..."

"Oh, um. I guess. I can do the drawing." I'm trying to think of something for the cover. "I'll draw part of you and part of me."


"So can you meet me in the art room at lunch?"

The bell rang I'm I thought he ignored me but then he mumbles "sure."

This was going to be a long project.

Art at lunch
I got there early just choosing the paper and getting set up. I start drawing the out line of our faces making sure everything fit, I've got to admit this was going to look pretty nice. I look to see Nash making his way over I look over his tattoos trying to figure out which ones are easiest. He sits beside me and looks down, come on dude!

We don't say anything but every so often I ask him to look at me so I can draw his face. It was looking pretty good on the left was me (where I was going to be) but I was drawing Nash who was on the right. I draw him looking of in the distance, it was kinda fun drawing his tattoos and piercings. When the bell rings I start to clean up and he goes for the door.

"Hey Nash!"

He looks back at me, well not in the eye but around me.

"Can you come tomorrow?"


And he leaves.

End of the day

I start walking for the door when I see two people making out. No she was like grinding on him, obviously it was Britney but who's the dude? They take a breather and I see him. Nash. I hide and watch I want to find out how he feels kissing another girl. Why? I have no idea but I want to see if she can make him moan.

Going at it again I notice he doesn't have his lip ring in, or any piercings in. Why? Then she starts playing with his hair and I'm close enough to be able to hear a moan but it never comes. She starts kissing his neck and he just looks around. When they start kissing again I walk back the way I came and decide to board past them to see what they'll do. So I start boarding down the hallway it's pretty long so I'll be able to tell their expressions, they stop and look up I can see them very well being in front of me. Then Britney walks and stops in the middle of the hallway, slowing down I stop.

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing, I just want you to meet Nash." She points to Nash I don't even look over.

"Yeah I've meet him." I say coldly.

"Oh what's wrong Alex? Perfect boyfriend brake up with the ugliest girl here?" She smirks.

"Oh I didn't know you dated him."

"I was talking about you fugly!" I see Nash twitch but nothing else.

"No shit Sherlock. Oh and Brit, how's the head?" I smirk, push her out of my way and leave.

Ohh so what do you think about Brit? My thought is BIOTCH!!




Love ya babes 💕

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