Chapter 16

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What song is this? *HINT* David Guetta is in it*
I can't win, I can't rain, I'll never win this game...
I am lost, I am vain, I will never be the same...

It's been three weeks after I got my stitches out. And me and Kylie are sooo bored during last period I'm in Math and she's in English and we're texting because who listens these days?
A= Alex
K= Kylie

A- we're doing something after school 😏

K- no shit😑

A- let's do something from our bucket list😮

K-ohh Yeah it's at my house 🏡 so meet you at my 🚗

A- ok see you in 1 min and 34,33,32,31

K- 1 min left

We continue to count down until the bell rings. I put my stuff in my locker and make my way to the parking lot when I see Nash with Nick and a circle surrounding. Oh hell nah! I push my way to the front of the crowd and listen because no one has thrown a punch yet.

"Your not going get her because your an Emo freak!" Nick yells at Nash.

"Well you can already tell she prefers Emo freaks over dickfacelying sex addict like you." Nash speaks with venom while Nick speaks with anger, while Nick looks furious Nash looks calm and his eyes are like... Soulless.

"Alex doesn't need a disgusting thing like you in her life. So do everyone a favour and just die." Nick says the last part smiles until he sees me. I walk up to the middle.

"He's right." I look around and everyone is flabbergasted. "You are a dickfacelying sex addict. And for your information I'd rather Nash stay in this world."

"So that's it? You choose that over me? Your really dating him?" Nicks mouth falls open and points to Nash.

"No I'm not dating him. But he's an overall better person." I look around at everyone paying attention. "Hey! Get back to your own damn lives! And you two." I turn back to the boys. "If I every see you guys speak to each other again... I will rip your balls off and feed them to you. Got it?"

Without an answer I continue on my way to Kylie's car. As we drive to her house I explain what happen and she just shakes her head and tells me to forget about them. When we get to her house we find the bucket list in her closet and go for the most funnest thing we see. Tattoos.

Tattoo parlour

"Okay, so what should we get?"

"Let's get this one!" Kylie points out 'to infinity and beyond' in cursive and I immediately fall in love.

"Yes! And I was thinking this one!" It was an infinity sign, "but I was thinking in one of the lines we write Flower for you and Boo for me."

"Yes! My god yes! Okay we choose now where should we put them on us?"

"Well I want the infinity sign on our wrist!"

"And I want the saying on our sides, like here." She points below her armpit and an inch or so away from her boob.

"Perfect let's go tell them!"

About 2 hours later

Kylie and I hung out at her house for awhile but then I went home. I walk into the house and just see Jena.

"Hey Jen where's Kayla?" I plunk down on the couch beside her.

"Oh she's at Skylynns. I thought you were hanging with Kylie?"

"I was but then I wanted to hang out with my big sister." I kiss her on the cheek the go criss cross and look at her. "So what are we going to do?

She puts on a thinking face the jumps. "I know! I know! Wait what happen to your wrist?"

"Oh me and Kylie got tattoos."

"Sweet I was hoping we could get some sometime."

"Cool!" She this is why you want to have my sister as your legal guardian. "Okay, your idea?"

"We since your about to be 18 in a week," oh yeah my birthday is next week, sweet! "I've decided to just take you to the fair!"

"Hey, take what you can get! YAY!"

"Okay, let's go!"

When we get to the fair it's packed. I was still super happy to be here though! Jena and I get cotton candy, popcorn go on rides and play the games. We were shooting water guns at the clown thing when Jena thought it'd be funny to spray me with water, but to my luck she missed and sprayed the guy behind me.

"Hey!" I turn around and laugh at Jena stupidness, but smartness the guy was kinda hot. He had brown hair but a black beanie covering most of it, he was wearing a baseball like t-shirt with a logo on it and black skinny jeans.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Jena rushes out.

"No it's fine I just was surprised." He chuckles and looks at me, "was the mean't for you?" I just laugh and nod my head, he looks at Jena who nods and now I'm confused. That is until I get hug but I'm getting wet from he's shirt which a makes me laugh harder.

"No," I say when he finally lets go. "I was supposed to get lucky and stay dry." I pout down at my now wet black tank top. But I laugh along with Jena and- "okay so now that you got me, what's your name?"

"I'm cooper. And you guys are?"

"I'm Jena and this is my little sis Alex." Jena replies.

"Cool." He says then looks straight at Jena, "um can I buy you a- well whatever?"

She smirks, "yes you may buy me a snowcone." They chuckle. "Hey where can I met you again?" Jena says to me.

"Ah nah you kids have fun I'll meet you at home. Ok bye girl." And I wave them off. I was just walking around the fair watching kids play and teenagers hanging out when I feel kinda bored. So I start my way home when I'm about to cross the street my name is called so I turn around and see Jack G walk up.

"Hey lovely." He says grabbing my waist.

"Hey Jack." I respond putting my hands on his arms to make sure he won't come any closer then he already is. "You know that you could make a girl so happy! You compliment, hold close, you seem like you could be nice so why don't you just find a special girl?"

He doesn't say anything he just looks at the ground still holding my waist. It looks like he was about to say something but a gun shot goes and turning around it hit a pole.

2 feet above my head.

How about that? Okay is like to tell you, I ditched this story a few mother ago just kinda stop editing, and a re-read all my chapters tonight and when I read this... I completely forgot about it and in my mind I was like "PLOT TWIST WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" So yeah... I kinda freak it was funny.




Love ya babes 💕

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