Chapter 9

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I haven't seen Milly all week, she's been busy with uni and work, the father of the boys has been away for business, so she's been helping out more

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I haven't seen Milly all week, she's been busy with uni and work, the father of the boys has been away for business, so she's been helping out more.

Walking through the art studio of my university building, I haven't felt this calm in a long time. I finally get a whole day dedicated to practical work, something I haven't had in a while.

I great my art professor as I walk through towards the stand where my current piece of artwork is standing.

Throwing off my hoodie and grabbing an apron, I plug in my headphones and grab my pallet, picking up where I left off.

My mind is consumed when I paint, like the world around me doesn't exist. I love learning the theory and history of art as much as I love being an artist, but at moments like this, when I can spend hours without realising how long I've been, it's my idea of heaven.

I can't afford the paint and canvases to paint at home, so the only time I get to be when I have practical sessions timetabled or can convince my professors to let me into the studio.

I spend all day working on my piece when my phone alarm breaks through the silence of the studio. Thank goodness my hand wasn't on the canvas at that moment, otherwise I would have had a nice streak across it judging by the way it made me jump out of my seat, literally.

I hit the stop button and eye the time, it's Friday and I have a shift which I need to get ready for. I pack up my bits, washing my pallet and paintbrushes before heading back to the apartment.


"Rosie, boss wants a word," Elijah shouts towards me as I enter the bar.

"Now?" I reply, frowning. I've only just walked in.


Rolling my eyes, I shuffle out of the bar and make my way through towards the stairs. When I enter the corridor, I walk along to Alexander's office and knock, when I hear his gruff tone, I enter.

"You asked to see me?" I state, closing the door behind me.

Alexander doesn't speak, he remains quiet as he stands and walks around the desk, but his eyes are on me. I remain still, usually he would ask me to take a seat, or get straight into bickering with me. This, this silence makes me nervous.

"Alexander?" I ask as he takes slow steps towards me.

When he speaks up, I'm glad I have the door behind me to keep myself from tumbling into a trembling mess.

"Why don't you have a seat, Rosaleigh."

My body shudders as I try to remain stood, fighting the urge to crumple into myself and cry, scream. I don't do anything, my mind isn't registering, what did he just say? He can't have said what I thought he just did, it's not possible. Is it?

My mind flickers through a thousand possibilities as to why and how he knows the truth. That information is buried deep, it's in the past, it's nowhere to be found, they made sure of that, they assured me that person was forgotten.

"How, how." My voice trembles as I try and bring some air into my lungs. "What's going on?" I ask, the tears threatening to spill.

"Why don't you tell me, Ms Whitehall." Alexander speaks through gritted teeth.

"I...I," My voice is weak, I don't know what to say, what to do. I need to leave; I need a moment to gather my thoughts and bring some sense into my mind.

I turn, grabbing the handle I throw the door wide and make a break, running down the corridor towards the stairs. I ignore the glances from the security in the corridor and don't look back to see if Alexander has followed or not.

When I reach the bottom, I slam into a large figure. "Not so fast missy." I glance up and eye a tall, handsome looking man. I've never seen him before; he's dressed in a suite but more casually than any of the security here with his sleeves rolled up and top buttons undone.

"I, sorry, excuse me," I make a break for the corridor but am pulled back by the man in question.

"Boss doesn't like it when people don't do as their told, I suggest you don't make this situation worse for yourself, you've already lied your way into this, now you have to answer to him," he replies over the music.

He knows as well? How is this possible?

I want to run, I want to breath in some air, but I also want answers.

"I just need a minute, please," I whisper, trembling in the strangers hold.

When one of the security guards moves forward to whisper into his ear, he nods before letting me go.

I hold still for a moment, confused as to why he's changed his mind, what did he say to him?

"Carlson is waiting for you, and he doesn't like to be kept waiting."

I use this small chance at freedom to turn and quickly make my way towards the bathroom corridor, my heart is beating a million miles an hour, I'm pretty sure it is about to break through my ribcage any second.

I haven't heard that name for a long time, my name.

Rosaleigh Whitehall.

When I burst through the club bathrooms, I'm glad to find it empty. I clamber into a stall and lock the door. Leaning my head against the cool oak, I let the tears fall freely, the sob finally breaking through.

I don't know how long I stay leaning against the door, crying breathlessly thinking about the past. When I straighten, I wipe the tears, rubbing my fingers under my eyes. When I exit the bathroom stall, and catch sight of my in the mirror, I curse for letting myself break down while wearing a full face of makeup.

I eye the panda eyes as I try and make a quick conclusion. I run the tap, holding my hair back I splash my face and rub the remaining make up off before patting my face dry with a paper towel.

My eyes are red and swollen, probably from the intense rubbing and crying. My cheeks are rosy which stand out even more against my pale skin tone.

Breathing in a deep breath, I straighten my dress and throw my shoulders back. "You are okay."

When I open the door to the corridor, Alexander is stood leaning against the opposite wall, looking mighty fine, and very, very angry.


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