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~Present day at Starling City University~

After hours of searching for Felicity she was no where to be seen.

Laurel and Tommy were trying to comfort Oliver by promising that they will find her. They weren't sure weither they were comforting him or themselves.

They were seated in Felicity and Laurels dorm at that moment.

"The only time Felicity doesn't answer her phone is when she's sad but she always comes back here!" Oliver said in fraustration.

"She'll be okay Oliver." Laurel said quite fraustrated herself.

"I can't sit here thinking she might go back to the way she was Laurel! I can't let sadness take over her again! Remember what happened?!"


~3 days after the news (they are about 15/16)~

Oliver came downstairs and sat beside his mom.

"I miss her voice." Oliver said saddness showing in his eye.

"Don't we all... Ollie I promise she will be okay." Moira said in her ever so comforting voice that always seemed to give Oliver hope.

Oliver went upstairs to see his best friend in a horrid state. Her glasses abandoned on her nightstand,her hair is in a messy bun, eyes red and swollen. He could have sworn she hadn't had a bite to eat since she came to the house.

Oliver forced her to sit straight and he put her red glasses on her face.

"Im not gonna sit here and watch you do this to yourself." He said as he grabbed her brush from her bag and started combing through her knotted hair.

"When Laurel used to come sleep over and Tommy couldn't come she would teach me things like how to braid hair and paint nails." He stated while braiding her hair into a perfect braid.

He then held her hand and forced her to go downstairs to the kitchen with him. There laid a tray with pancakes and a peanut butter and jam sandwich that Moira made trying to make her eat.

He took the tray and headed outside to the vast garden. There was a table in the middle of the rose garden where he set the tray.

Moira was looking out of the window with a smile on her face.

"My dad was in a car crash. He was in the intensive care unit for a month. The last thing he told me before he died was not to cry over his death. For heaven is a better place to go to and that he would be a 100 times happier. Your mom was amazing Felicity.. you know how much I loved her but she is in a much better place probably having a laugh with my dad." Oliver said.

What Oliver didn't notice that by the end of that tiny speech he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

Felicity came closer to him and hugged him tight. Oliver let out a sobb he didn't know he was holding.

"Im sorry Ollie. We will get through this together okay?" She said as she started crying in Olivers arms.

She never heard Oliver talk about his dad. She knew the subject bothered him a lot. To open up to her with something that annoyed him and bothered him to the extent of crying means he actually trusted her. This was the first time she ever saw Oliver cry and all she could do was cry in his arms.

After moments that seemed like hours Oliver asked Felicity for a favor.

"Can you do me a favor?" Said Oliver as he wiped the tears off his face.

She wiped the tears off her face and her lips formed into a small smile.

"Anything." She said

"Eat thoes pancakes before they get cold iv'e spent a good half an hour trying to make something for you to eat."

"Aunt Moira made these because one, you can't cook to save your life and second, you were with me in the room all day and these are freshly done."

"You should work as an investigator with the FBI" Oliver said in shock.

"Meh not my thing.." Felicity said mockingly.




IF YOU WANT: make a story cover for this story and Ill dedicate a chapter and give you a shoutout in one of my A/NS. Send it on instagram to @xolicityx or send it in a message here if you can.


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