CHAPTER 10 (Part I)

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CHAPTER 10 (part I) :

~ Flashback~
-Starling General Hospital-

"Oliver I have done a lot of things im not proud of. I did a lot of things that.. to this day I have not made up for. I don't think i'll make it.."

"Dad.." Oliver said as he wipped a tear off his cheek.

"Just let me finish.. I want you to right my wrongs. I want you to be the better part of the family. Save the Glades from what I made it become. Will you do that for me?"

Oliver nodded in a haste. He couldn't form a proper sentence.Seeing his father in such a state broke him more and more each second.

"Promise me." He said smiling at his 17 year old son.

"I promise." Oliver said.


~Present day Starling City~
~At the Foundry~

Oliver snapped out of his trans when he heard the door to the lair open.

He suspected it to be Diggle but it wasn't.

"Cisco both of us couldn't hold on to Barry while he is runing 600 miles per hour that could have killed us. We'd burst into flames!" Said a midheight brunette going down the stairs.

"All I was saying that it would be super cool." Said a tall figure with long black hair.

"Caitlin & Cisco long time no see." Said Oliver embracing Caitlin in a hug and Cisco into a head lock.

"Don't forget Barry!" Said a Red streak runing around the Foundry. The red streak came to a stop infront of Oliver to reveal Central City's own scarlet speedster.

"Barry Allen!" Said Oliver as he hugged Barry tightly.

"Here is the skeleton key Mr. Queen." Said Caitlin in a british mock accent trying to lighten up the mood.

Oliver cracked a smile. In a way it felt so good to have the team back.

"Sorry im late!" Said John Diggle as he ran down the stairs.

"DIG!" All of them screamed in unison as they embraced him in hugs.

"Good to see you too?" Said Dig, surprised by the reaction.

~3 years after Oliver's dad died~

Oliver had his costom made bow and arrow and was standing on top of Queen Consolidated.

He had target practice hung up on the roof. It was his way to get all his anger and emotions out.

He just read about the old steel factory and how on that day over 300 people lost their daily income.

He was angry. How could his father do such a thing? What for? All these thoughts were running around his head when he heard screams.

"Someone help!" He saw a woman fighting with a robber who was trying to steal her bag.

He ran down the fire escape and as he did he put his green hood on his head.

He put his arrow on the shooting line and pointed at the robber.

"Let the bag go!" Said Oliver in a deep voice. He didn't know where it came from.

"Or what your gonna arrow me to death?" Said the robber.

That set a trigger in Oliver's mind. He let the string go and the arrow flew into the stranger's shoulder.

He let go of the bag and screamed in pain. Oliver picked the bag off the floor and went off running with the strange woman. When they arrived to a safe place he gave her the bag.

"Thank you for helping! Im Dr. Caitlin Snow." She said with a smile.

"Oliver Queen." He said taking his hood off and shaking her hand returning the smile.


Okay guys Im making a part 2 of this itll have the rest of the flashback!



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