CHAPTER 10 (Part II)

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CHAPTER 10 (part II):

~Present day Starling City~

He did it again. He used her body as some sexual toy to play with. She felt anger and hate trowards the world at that moment.

She lost hope of seeing Oliver again. She lost hope of seeing anyone she ever loved again.

She was thinking about Moira and Thea and how worried they must be.

She was thinking about Laurel and Tommy and how she didn't get to say a final goodbye.

She lost hope in making it out of here alive. She lost track of time and didn't know wither it was morning or night.

She sat there in her restrains sobbing quietly.

~Streets of Starling City~

Oliver and Caitlin were walking along on the sidewalks going to a diner at the end of the street.

"Mr. Queen would you mind if I ask you a question?" Said Caitlin.

"Please call me Oliver, and sure anything."

"You have amazing archery skills! Would you ever come to central city with me? I would take your archery skills and turn you into a hero!" She stated excitedly as if she just discovered the impossible. (A/n see what I did there?)

"You can do that? How?" Oliver said really thinking about going.

He promised his father he would right his wrongs and he was gonna do just that.

~Present day Starling City~

Oliver, Diggle ,Cisco and Caitlin were waitting for the unknown kidnapper to call in order to go and get Felicity.

Soon enough Oliver's phone rang. He picked it up and answered.

"Where is she?" Asked Oliver.

"Do you have what I want Mr. Queen?" Asked the kidnapper in a smug tone.

"Where is she?! Cause im sure as hell won't give you shit until you put her on the phone!" Oliver said raising his voice out of anger.

The kidnapper put the phone onto a sobbing Felicity's ear.

"Fel?" Asked Oliver in a panic.

"Oliver help me please! I need you!" Screamed Felicity in whimpers.

Oliver then heard a terrible scream.

" The old abndoned plastic factory in the glades Mr.Queen. You have 2 hours."

Then the phone was disconnected.


Im sorry I haven't updated sooner x

Comments and feedbacks and suggestions would be great.


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