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~ Present day at Starling City Uiversity~

~3 days before christmas~

It was almost 9 at night when Laurel was packing her suitcase when she heard a knock on the doorm room. She opened the door but found no one. She looked around for a couple of seconds and then noticed a bouquet of her favorite flowers, which are white roses, on the floor with an envlope. She smiled and picked them off the floor.

A couple of minutes later Felicity entered the dorm room and laid a few shopping bags on her bed. She dug into one of the bags and got a small amzingly wrapped gift.

"Hey Fel!" Laurel said still quite excited about her secret admirer

"Merry almost christmas Laurel! I wanted to give it to you before you left." She said as she handed her the wrapped box.

"I don't leave until the morning." giggled Laurel as she hugged Felicity.

"Well I leave tonight." Felicity said

Felicity then noticed the flowers that Laurel was holding in her arms.

"Oh Laurel's got a boyfriend!" Felicity exclaimed.

"I have no idea who put them at the door, but there is a letter I guess." she showed Felicity the envlope.

Felicity opened the envlope as she started to read what was written out loud.

"I know you liked roses so I bought you a dozen.

I know you like italian so would you like to join me for dinner?

If you accept then its a pleasure.

Meet you at Ronney's at 11

Your secret admirer x"

"Woah we got a poet on our hands." Giggled Felicity.

"Ill go! This could be the start of something." Said Laurel running to her closet.

The door knocked not long after that.

Felicity went and opened the door to find Oliver.

He leaned in and gave her a quick yet passionate kiss.

"Are you ready to leave?" He asked.

"You are not allowed to leave until im ready for my date!" Laurel said.

"Oh so miss Lance has plans before traveling I see." He said with a smirk.

" Its a secret admirer too." Felicity said as she opened her suite case and got a gold dress for Laurel to try on.

After a couple of minutes Laurel came out of the bathroom wearing the dress. It looked amazing on her.

Hugging each curve perfectly.

"Come on let me do your hair because it's almost 10:30."

After about 10 minutes Laurel was fully dressed and looked gorgeous.

"Come on we will drop you off on our way." Said Oliver took Felicity's suitcase in one hand and held her hand in the other.

"Im not used to seeing you like this, it kinda creeps me out." Laurel giggled.

"We'll see how it goes with Mr. Poet." Felicity said.

"Poet?" Oliver asked even more amused than before.

"Shut it." Laurel said in a serious tone.

They all headed out to the students parking lot and got into Oliver's Jeep. Oliver put Felicity's suitcase in the trunk and entered the car.

Felicity sat in the passenger seat as Laurel sat in the back.

After about 15 minutes of singing at the top of their lungs they finally arrived to Ronney.

" Enjoy your vacation!" She said as she got out of the car.

Oliver then drove off.


So today was a very emotional day for me and i cried a lot

Hope this doesn't suck

F x

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