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~Present day Starling City~

Barry had an unconscious Felicity in his arm. He could see she has lost a lot of blood so he called Diggle to wait outside the hospital for them.

"Here, get her some help. Ill go help Oliver and well be back as soon as we can." He told Diggle as he ran back to the crime scene.


~Starling City University~

Oliver promised he'll pick up Felicity after class and they could go out with Tommy and Laurel.

He made his way to where the computer science classes were being held as he saw her with a guy.

"Hey Fel." He said as he gave her a passionate kiss.

"Hey Oliver." She said as she bit her lower lip while she blushed.l

"Barry this is Oliver, my boyfriend." She blushed even more.

"Oliver this is Barry. He came from Central City to study CS here in SU." She said with a smile.

"Nice too meet you Oliver." Said Barry as he shook Oliver's hand.

"Like wise." Said Oliver with a smile. At that moment he felt like they were gonna be close.

"Barry we were about to go have lunch with a couple of other friends want to come with?" Said Oliver trying to be as friendly as he can.

"Sure why not?" He smiled as he walked with them to the pizzeria at the end of the street.

~Present day Starling City~

~Starling General Hospital~

Oliver and Barry just entered the hospital and went to ask for Felicity's room.

"Felicity Smoak." Said Barry to the nurse at the front office.

" Ms. Smoak is still in surgery. Waiting room is over there." She said as she pointed to a glass door.

Oliver and Barry went to the waiting room to find Moira and a crying Thea. Oliver hugged Thea tightly.

"She's going to be okay. The hood saved her." Oliver said trying to comfort his sister.

"I can't imagine my life without her Ollie." Cried Thea onto his chest.

" You don't have too. She is going to be okay I promise." Said Oliver.

Moira was trying her best to be strong, for both her daughter and son.

They heard people running through the corridor and soon noticed they were Laurel and Tommy.

"Oliver we came as soon as we heard! Is she okay?" Asked Laurel in a frantic tone.

"I.. don't know." He said sadly as he took a seat next to Tommy.

"She is going to be okay. She is a fighter. Always have been,always will be." Said Tommy in a consoling tone.


Double update cause you guys deserve the best!



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