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~Present day at Starling City University~

Felicity wasn't Oliver's best friend. Their relationship was more than that. They lived a huge part of their lives together he treated her more like a sister. When she goes missing it is probably because she needed a little bit of time alone, but she always goes to Oliver a couple of hours later and actually tell him what's wrong. She's been gone now for nearly 8 hours.
No call backs.

It was almost 4 in the morning. Tommy was pacing around the room trying to think of a place she might go.

"Did you check by the lake?" Asked Oliver in hope.

"Yup." Said Tommy.

"Did you check by the..." Oliver didn"t get a chance to finish his sentence.

A compeletly drunk Felicity entered the room with a stumble. She looked back at the guy who looked high. She didn't notice her 3 best friends sitting inside.

"I had so much fun zack maybe we should party again sometime." She smiled as the guy pulled her into his arm and kissed her neck.

She tried pushing the guy away but he wouldn't budge.

"Get away from me this is clearly not what I meant." She said in a paniced tone.

But he continued anyways.

"She said get away!" Tommy said as he punched Zack in the jaw.

Laurel took Felicity to the other side of the room and hugged her tight as she cried.

Zack stood up and tried punching Tommy in the stomach but Oliver pulled him out of the room and exited with Tommy.

"Laurel go! They'll hurt themselfs!" Felicity screamed in terror.

Laurel ran trowards the door after 10 minutes of comforting Felicity but Oliver entered as she was about to exit.

Tommy was on his shoulder passed out. Oliver had a black eye and his nose was bleeding.

Oliver laid Tommy on Laurel's bed and Laurel tried to wake Tommy up.

"You have a lot of explaining to do!" Oliver screamed in pure anger.

"Im sorry!" Felicity screamed still a little dizy of all the alchol she had in her system.

She opened the medicine cabinet and got an icepack and put it on Oliver's eye and got a wet cloth to wipe the blood from his nose.

"Ow." Said Oliver still pretty angry.

"Im sorry Ollie.." Felicity said.

Tommy woke up seconds later with a confused look on his face.

"What just happened?" He asked in a pure inocent face.

She went to Laurel's side of the bed and hugged Tommy.

"Thank you." She whispered in his ear as he hugged her back.

"Such a douche." Stated Laurel.

"Still waiting for an explination Felicity." Oliver said.

She sat on her bed and removed her hair from her face. The bruise was still showing.

"Oh my god.." Laurel said.

"What happened?" Asked Oliver.

Felicity told them everything. From how Jonas didn't like her going out with them to how he cheated on her more than one time to how he slapped her to how she was done with all the shit he was giving her. She also told him that when he slapped her she went to Gale's and got beer cans and went to the lake. She also told them that at that moment she wanted nothing more than to be left alone.When she arrived to the lake , the place she always got lost in thought at, and had the first 3 cans of beer she spotted Zack. When he saw her and actually spoke to her he invited her to a frat party. She was too intoxicated to refuse. He took her and then dropped her off at the dorm. Well not actually dropped..

Oliver hugged her tight.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Oliver wondered.

"You have a lot on your plate I can't come to you every second of the day." Felicity said as she was much much calmer then she was when she arrived.

"I want you too. We promised each other 4 years ago that well get through everything together, including this okay?" Said Oliver

Felicity couldn't have been happier. Everything seemed to be slowly falling back in place.

"I love you guys!" She engulfed the three of them into a group hug. They all giggled and for the first time they all felt genuinly happy.

It was almost 6 in the morning and they all had classes at 10.

"We better go get a couple of hours of sleep before class." Said Oliver as he helped Tommy off the bed.

"Night guys love you!" Said Felicity as she entered the bathroom to change into her pjs.

"Take care of her." Whispered Oliver into Laurels ear.

"You don't have to tell me twice. Night Ollie night Tommy." She said as she hugged both of them and closed the door.

"You aren't going to actually sleep are you?" Said Tommy with a smirk on his face.

"You know me too well." Said Oliver with the same smirk on his face.

With that the boys were on there way.


Here is chapter 4 y'all

What do you think Oliver is up too?
Leave your comments tell me what you think will happen next!
Thank you for all the support
Couldn't do it without you guys ❤

Love F x

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