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~Present day Starling City~
~Time skip : 2 months~
~Queen mansion~

Oliver just came back from work. The clock in the entryway read 8:00 o'clock. He knew his mom would be asleep by now.

He heard the TV in the living room with little chuckles he knew belonged to his girlfriend.

He quietly entered the living room to find Felicity in the sofa cuddled to some pillows with a cover. She was rubbing her stomach and watching Nemo.

"Hey." Smiled Oliver as he kissed the top of her head lightly.

"Hey." She said with a smile on her face.

He sat beside her as she gave him a part of the cover she had on. She then put her head on his chest.

"How was your day?" She asked in a gleeful tone.

"Great! We signed for partnership with Wayne Inc. for a new cancer research lab." Oliver said sounding very proud.

"Im so proud of you!" She said as Oliver leaned down to give her a kiss.

"Lets watch movie, your choice." Said Felicity said as she went to the kitchen.

Oliver went to look at their DVD collection. He picked the Lucky One and put it in the DVD player.

Felicity came with popcorn and 2 slices of their favorite chocolate cake.

"What did you pick?" Asked Felicity as she handed him his plate as she sat beside him.

"The lucky one." Said Oliver as he hugged Felicity from her waist. Her head landing on his chest.

She could feel his heart beat with every shallow breath he took. She couldn't help but have a wide smile on her face.

The movie was finished and the clock read 11:58. Felicity ran to the room to get something as Oliver got a purple velvet box from his coat.

Felicity came down with 2 boxes perfectly wrapped in Olivers favorite color, green.

"Felicity?" He smiled.

She looked at the clock and it read 12:00.

"Happy anniversary." She gave him a very passionate kiss.

He held her from her waist and kissed her again.

"Ive been needing to ask you a question." Oliver said as he got down on one knee.

Felicity's heart stopped for a moment. Was he really going to do this?

"Felicity?" He said with a smile on his face.

Felicity couldn't help but sob. A tear slipping down her cheek. He is actually doing this.

"Felicity I love you. I love every moment we spend together, I love waking up next to you every morning, I love the way you smile. I loved calling you my girlfriend and I want to call you my wife, so Felicity Megan Smoak would you do me the honor of being my wife?" Oliver said with a smile.

Felicity was speechless. She couldn't believe this was happening.

"Say yes!" She heard a scream coming from upstairs.

She looked up and saw Thea,Moira,Laurel,Tommy Barry,Caitlin and Cisco standing there.

Felicity turned back to face Oliver.

"Ofcourse!" She managed to choke out as she hugged him tight with her face on the crook of his neck.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear as he let go so he could put the diamond ring on her finger.

Felicity was litteraly speechless. The diamond on the ring was huge! She didn't deserve all this!

"Come on the party is ready!" Screamed Laurel as she went to the garden.

Oliver held Felicity's hand as they exited together.

"Congradulations guys!" Said Tommy as he hugged Felicity tightly.

"Thank you." She said as she wipped tears of her face.

"Wine?" Cisco asked with a smile.

"No thanks. I can't." Said Felicity as she gave Oliver a cup.

"Why not?" Asked Oliver curiously.

"Oliver.." she said hesitant.

"Im preagnant." She said afer a long pause.

A long chapter finally!


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