Advancing the story

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I watched as my brother completely froze. A few awkward seconds passed before he walked forward and bandaged my head before he carried me to the couch and spoke. "I can't believe Undyne. Sans how are you still alive?" I shugged my shoulders as the severity of the injury finally sunk in. I honestly have no clue what so ever, even though I don't process a brain, a intact skull is very much important. An akward silence filled the room as both of us got lost in our thoughts. Eventually my brother got up surprising me and he spoke "Sans, your the judge. Do you know if the old queen is alive?" Yes, yes she is. I nodded my head and signed*Yes she is, I stopped the guard from catching her. She fled to the ruins.* Papyrus nodded his head before he spoke again "I normally wouldn't say this but" <<We need to do something, we need to get rid of the queen the effort to fix the core is to little! Plus it's an internal thing so only if you know the core like we do can it be fixed!>>. I nodded my head and signed *Agreed, things are getting worse do you think we should try and fix it ourselves?* Papyrus looked like he was about to agree before he somehow paled and replied<<I would say yes but we don't have open access anymore and messing with the core without permission from the queen is a felony.>> I shook my head and replied *Well than I'll try and get us permission. She knows you can read wingdings and that's the language Gaster used for everything! She may not know it but she should recognize some of the symbols.* Papyrus nodded his head happily as I grabbed my new jacket and put it on, pulling the hood over my head and grabbed my sneakers. Before the two of us left for the several hour walk. I miss teleporting safely.

3 month time skip
Why did she refuse! We gave her all the facts, and even offered to give her proof, the codes and translate everything! Does she want us to suffer? To be honest that is a good question to ask. Papyrus's vision appears to be getting worse. I hope it doesn't get to bad to be honest. We're out of food, luckily I found some edible nuts and berries.

4 month time skip
The dogs have gone mad. I can no longer reach the food without being attacked as it's just past their territory. Hopefully I'll find something new. Apparently some monsters are talking about eating humans. My brother is the person who initially told me about it. I didn't believe him till a few days ago when I heard it myself. Unfortunately someone is hot land died due to starving. Electricity is starting to go out on a regular basis. At least once a day lasting anywhere between a few seconds and several hours. At least I managed to dig out the old generator. I think I can get it working.

Four week time skip
Another human fell down. Someone other than the dogs killed them. The corpse ended up at Grillby's and was eaten. I promise that no matter what I will never eat a human. It's gross. I'm not sure who it was that killed them.  Anyways I got the generator working and am working on some old blueprints of Gaster's for magic making machines.  Hopefully they work like the Core used to.  So far only my brother has seem my injury. 
I think people are starting to get suspicious about the fact I'm wearing my hood up all the time.    I rarely ever go without bandages but my injery isn't healing.  Hopefully things get better soon.  Also some more monsters starved.  Things can't get much worse, plus I found some incomplete scomatics for what I think is a machine that would make food!  I'm not telling anyone but Papyrus as I don't want to get anyone's hopes up.

Six month time skip
It didn't work, I tried almost everything to finish the scamatics and build the machine.  Nothing.  A lot more monsters have starved.  One was even the old slime lady in the house to the left behind us.  I'll miss watching her trying to garden.  Also I've had to switch to morse code due to my brothers sight, it was interesting to learn.

Two year time skip
I climbed out of bed ignoring the protests from where my stomach used to be.  I was honestly surprised to see that I had lost weight.  I made my way down the steps and saw my brother looking towards me.  I'm 99% sure he could qualify to be legally blind.  [Hey Paps] I watched as he got up and wondered, why am I so frickin short! He has definitely grown to stand at about eight feet tall.  While I'm only 5'7.  Not sure how I grew same thing with Paps here.  [Heading to work, are you going to be-] "Of course I'm going to be recalibrating my puzzles today!" I smiled although he couldn't tell and the two of us headed towards the forest to...hunt for humans.  I've never had any as I promised myself that.  Quickly the two of us parted ways.  I passed my station and reached the doors to the ruins.  I knocked on the door quickly a female voice replied "Hello, Sans is that you?" I tapped on the stone [Yes].  "Ahhh, It's been awhile hasn't it?" [No, we talked yesterday.] "Oh, well it felt like a long time, it gets so lonely here.  But make me a promise please." [What is it?] "Oh, if you ever hear someone running in dress shoes send a powerful attack here, where I stand.  Okay?" I nodding my head and tapped a reply [But you could get hurt!] "I know, but please promise me that." [Fine, but be careful.] "Hahaha, I will.". I than walked back to my post and waited.  As every day went.

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