The aftermath and a possible new... something

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Two years later

I paced back and forth nervously. Aliza and Torial watched, Aliza was understanding in my nervousness as Torial had to stop her from messing where her new prostic arm meets her old flesh one.  Torial sighed before she spoke in a motherly voice "Comic Sans Serif Wingdings, calm down, Papyrus won't die.  He survived the famine just fine, he survived your magic out-lash with just a few burns and scratches, he'll survive dental surgery."  I looked at Torial who tensed before shaking it off and speaking again "You know that these are the best dental surgeons left in the underground.  Now.  Sans stop flaring your magic!  It's scaring everyone!"  I looked around the other people at the dentist either flinched or tried and failed to ignore me.  Am I really that scary? 

I tossed my hands up and pulled my hood over my eyes so the glow wasn't as noticeable and tried to calm my magic to dull my eye and redirect my remaining magic towards fluffing my hood fluff.  I think it kinda worked?  About an hour passed before the doctor walked in and several nurses helping Papyrus walk who still seemed to be partially under anneistics and was still not properly coordinated.  I quickly walked over and helped Papyrus steady himself. Just by looking at him I could see the improvement, even though his mouth was wired shut. I quickly lead Papyrus to a chair. At that point my phone rung, I pulled it out and saw a weird looking unknown number. Spam. I put my phone back into my pocket turned towards Torial and signed *It was just a spam call* Torial nodded in understanding.

One mouth time skip

I smiled as the scent of my brother's cooking hit my nose hole. I honestly pretty much rely on his cooking to survive as cooking has never been my strong suit, this life or my old one. I could barely make instant ramen without burning the house down, that and the fact I somehow managed to set water on fire... twice, in one attempt at cooking session. What is it with me and burning everything I cook? Not sure but at least Papyrus doesn't have any problems cooking anymore. I started kicking my feet as Papyrus brought out the food. The second he put down the plates of food I jumped up grabbing my own plate. I quickly piled on the rice, beef tips and gravy in heaping portions in a single pile before sitting back down and digging in.

Papyrus looked down at the remaining food his glasses nearly falling off his face but the type held before he turned back to me and spoke "Brother, I get understand you love my food, everyone does but I don't recommend you eating so much since you're LV and head injury keeps your magic from completely relaxing and it might flare again." I looked up at Papyrus and stomped my feet [I'm getting magic control therapy and I can rest it for up too a minute now!]. Papyrus somehow managed to roll his eyes before he spoke again "A minute will barely matter if your magic uncontrollably flares again." I than got up and took off running upstairs. Papyrus called after me when I was about half way up the stairs "Just don't get seconds!" I won't... for now.

Five mouth time skip

I headed over towards the barrier I had already gone through the throne room. As I looked at the barrier I wondered why I've been attracted to this spot for the past few weeks. I froze as I heard something open. I shot around and... saw a portal? What the? I watched my magic flaring up as something or well two someone's walked out of the portal. One wore a teal blue and yellow princey outfit which went well with his golden eyes and happy expression. He was bouncing up and down his yellow boots making a clicking sound kinda like Gaster's shoes did. I miss him, but I can't morn right now! I need to focus!

The other one was definitely far more dangerous. He was a taller figure with weird spots on his bones, some where gray and others where black. Some of the dark spots had something dripping from them. He had mismatched eye lights with one being a shade of purple in his left eye and the other was a dark cyan. His clothes where honestly nothing like Goldie's he wore a pair of black pants with black tennis shoes. His hoodie was a much darker shade of purple than his purple eye, the only real pop of color was his golden star necklace. Now that I look at them closely I noticed two more things. 1. Both of them look a freaky lot like me. 2. They had matching golden star necklaces. The dangerous one approached and I took a step back.

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