Chapter 2: My day was ruined when I saw your faces.

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Chapter 2

When he went, she crawled back upstairs, groaning at every slight move. She painfully reached her room and gently laid herself onto her bed. She never ran away. Well, not after one certain incident. After that incident, she never even dreamed about escaping ever again. She'll be tracked down anyway. Groaning another time, she flipped to her side, panting from the pain. Closing her eyes, she drifted away, wishing for at least one breath of the fresh air.

(Is this too cheesy??? :-P )

Back to the boys... And girl....

"Is she going to be okay?" One of them whispered.

"Of course she is, she's only like this once a year."

"We just had to be this lucky to have her to blow up this year," Sam replied, sighing.

Declan's head popped around the door.

"She wants you."

Those three words, and those three words only made all the other boys bolt to her door. Without even knocking, they barged into her room.

"Hey, you town idiots!" A cheerful voice greeted them. Sighing with relief, they approached her bed. As soon as they did so, they all -somehow- received a large blow to their heads.


"You're all too slow. You haven't been boxing lately have you?"

"We're so sorry that we didn't notice your surprise bat attack," Sam huffed, rubbing the sore spot on his head.

"And you should be," she remarked, smirking.

"Anyway," Drew said, impatiently, "what did you want us for?"

"Entertainment." She replied flatly.

"100 dollars a day," said Sam, his hand stretched out.

"Get out."

"Sorry! Sorry!" Sam exclaimed, making everyone roll their eyes. Apart from her, who was grinning broadly.

"Exactly why I called you in." Pouting, Sam, with his hideous puppy eyes, looked at her like... Well, a puppy. A hideous puppy. Actually, not a puppy at all. A wolf with a plastic surgery. Cringing, she looked away.

"Okay, seriously, get out."

"There!" Declan gasped in fake anger. "You've upset her!"

So they finally go for the entertainmemt. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah!" Drew joined in. "There she was, better and now you go ruin it!" He wiped a fake tear. She looked at them flatly.

"My day was ruined when I saw your faces." Rolling their eyes, they stood up straight, then looked her in the eye.


"Before you start this skit, I ask you, do you sell popcorn?" The only person who wasn't glaring at 'her Majesty the Queen' was Sam, the psycho who suddenly popped up outta nowhere while none of them realised that he had even gone.

"Your popcorn, your Majesty." He bowed low. Grinning, she took the popcorn, and immediantly started to munch on them.

"Now this is more like it."


Yes, my dear, wonderful readers, shirt. Wait, not just short, shorter than a comic box. (Wait, is that short?...... Depends...) Anyway, I just wanna apologize like crazy. I hope you like this chapter. I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so... *Takes a deep breathe* .... So, so, so, so, so so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, sorry!

(I hope that made it up, 'cause there is no way in hell I would do that again.)

Love ya!


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