Chapter 18: Incompetent Banker

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Chapter 18

She was exhausted.

Collapsing at the front door, she groaned and grumbled as she made her way to the living room. They were lively, screaming at eachother about a stupid game.

"I bought that! I swear to God, you incompetent banker, if you don't give me my card, I will be suing your bank!" Sam seemed to be in heaps of fury. She laughed silently as she watched a full fistfight occur due to Monopoly.

"I'm home, you fools," she announced, as she realised they were going too far.

There was a second of silence, before they were ontop of her.

"Where have you been!"

"You said you'd only go for a week, it's been a month-"

"What happened? Is everything okay? Why di-"

"Shut up," she yelped, as she threw monopoly money at the beasts.

"There were some complications," she elaborated, once everyone was sat down. "Sorry, Bal, you had to get discharged way earlier than I would've liked." Balthazar waved her concern away.

"I was completely fine anyway, Yasmine overdid it."

Not believing him, she turned to a girl in the corner who seemed to be watching them in awe, as if it was the first time she saw the boys listening to one person so vigorously (it was).

"Fanta?" She questioned, and the one in question nodded, smiling nervously. "Nice to meet you, I'm the one in charge of these idiots."

"Hi," Fanta replied eagerly, "I'm so sorry for staying here for so long."

"No worries," Shaking her head, the tired girl plopped herself onto the sofa, "It was my decision to have you here anyway. Hope your enjoying it here." Their conversation elevated and the rest of the boys started rearranging the Monopoly board and Sam's fury at the banker restarted.


"How've you been?" Finn sat next to him, gesturing at the familiar bartender for a drink.

"Pretty crap," He replied, visible bags on his face as he bit his lips.

"What's wrong?"

"She's gone missing. My daughter."

Finn stood up abruptly. "She what?" He exclaimed, loud enough to gain attention from few other people. Noticing this, he cleared his throat and furrowed his brows. "For how long?"

"She's been gone for weeks, no word from her, no peep. Didn't want to alert the police because I thought it was one of those things she usually does."

"She does this usually?" Finn enquired, receiving the drink and taking a sip.

"Yeah, once every couple months, at least."

"Then why is this one different?"

"She comes back after three days. This time, it's been weeks." He lied through his teeth. She never ran away. She was too scared to even think about it.

"What..." Finn's serious face made him reassured. He'd find her. And He'd make sure she can't leave ever again. First her legs, then once they healed, he'd-

"I'll do what I can." Finn's words snapped him back to reality. "She'll be back, safe at home, don't worry. I swear on the police's name."

Safe at home.

Yes she would be. Safe and sound, unable to leave.


The phone rang.

It wasn't the office phone. He glanced down at his mobile phone, and "Finn" flashed across the screen. How rare.

"Finn!" He greeted him with enthusiasm. Of course he should, the chief of the police department is a golden connection to have.

"How've you been?"

"Alright, I guess, how about you?"

"Well, it's been going well till recently..." He seemed to trail off.

"What is it?"

"One of my friend's daughters gone missing," his voice contained genuine concern.

Jf only mine would, he found himself thinking.

"That's horrible!"

"Yeah, so I was wondering...." Finn trailed off.

"What is it, I'll do the best I can to help. A friend of my friend is also my friend." If he could get a favour from Finn, then his position would be confirmed.

"Could you get anyone to help on this? Honestly, any sort of manpower is appreciated. Just wondering if you could ask around and see if you hear anything? I know you and you're friends have the widest connections around."

"That'll be my pleasure," His own voice sickened him. "I'll do the best I can. Wish you luck."

The call cut.

He pondered for a second, before dialling a number.

"Get over here. I need you to do something."

"Am I your dog?" His daughter's voice was filled with anger.

"You have no other use," he retorted, and hung up before she could reply.

Things were finally going as planned.

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