Chapter 5: One Less Person

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There was no one who voted so.... No dedication? Ahah... 😭 But thanks for all the reads guys! EDIT: I just realised the chapter said it was chapter 8... so it's changed, and I'm sorry ;)


The shops

She was more than tired. She was nauseous, dizzy and confused. For a minute, she had no recollection of where she was, how she had got there and what her name even was. It was a few moments after that when she remembered.

Returning to her shopping list, she carefully worked out the price of the items and placed them into the basket.

The world was spinning around her and she winced as she held her aching, pounding head. Her heartbeat was quickening rapidly and her breathing became an untameable monster.

Whether it was because her breathing was loud, or because she was spinning, a few people surrounded her, with seemingly worried expressions on their faces. Their words were blurred, as if she was swimming underwater, no, maybe drowning.

That was when everything went black.

The Boys

The girl was staggering.

She was moving in a strange manner, walking right then left, forward then backwards, as if she was trying to spin but failing miserably. The first one to notice was Drew.

Then Sam, then Declan. They cautiously approached her, worried, as she stopped moving but was twitching every few seconds. Her hand was placed on her head, as if something was pounding against her skull, wanting to get out.

She collapsed.

The trio rushed towards her, panicked at the sudden fall. Declan ran towards a shop assistant while Drew tried to lift her head onto his lap.

A crowd was forming, all taking videos and photos, judging from the flashes.

"This is disgraceful!" Sam exclaimed, "You're not even trying to help! This isn't a circus, she's fainted! STOP trying to take photos!" There were a few grumbles, and someone shouted

"Party pooper!" At the back. Sam glared at them, causing them to retract.

"Go. Away," he said through his head gritted teeth.

The crowd disparted.

"We need to get her to the first aid department," the assistant said, finally able to reach them. She offered to help carry the weak skeleton of a girl but the boys declined.

One less person. That's what she would have wanted.

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