Chapter 7: It's rude to point

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She was oblivious to where she was. Where was she? Why was she here? What was she doing here? Who were those people?

Who was she?

Her head was aching furiously, and she could barely make out the conversation that was occuring beside her.

"High.... of amnesia..... not surprising...... injuries..... both physical ... mental..."

She groaned loudly, which seemed to voice a high amount of pain that she was feeling, catching the attention of the other people next to her. She heard a rush of footsteps as they approached her, and she could see a vague concerned expession on their faces.

"How are you feeling?" Someone from her left starts talking. Although their voices can be heard normally, their mouths seemed to be moving slowly, as if in slow-motion. "Are you okay?"

"Do you remember what your name is?"

"What day it is?" She was attacked by question, left and right

She responded, however, to all these sudden question with a slight shake of her head, making the people around her falter.

Suddenly, there was a voice somewhere else in the room, ow wherever she was, that resounded loudly and clearly.

"Of course she won't be able to answer your questions if you ask her like that."

She could see clearer now, the blurriness slowly decreasing from her vision, allowing her to see who the voice belonged to. The person was wearing quite a long white coat, which seemed weirdly like a scientist cloak. The person seemed to notice her staring at their coat, and smiled gently, much nore nicer that ther sudden attack of questions from when she woke up.

"I happen to like this stule, so I decided to wear this today. I guess it looks weird? I get a lot of comments like that here." The person pulls up a chair and sits beside her. Now that she looked more closely, she found that this person was a women, somewhere in her late thirties or so, or that was what it seemed to be.

"So, how are you?" The first question was asked, making her wonder how she was herself, because she had no idea what feelings she was feeling, except a high amount of pain.

"Like crap..." her voice slurred out, sounding foreign to her ears. Then she suddenly shot up, startling the people around her.

"Woah, calm down," the boy right next to her put a hand on her shoulder.

"What," she struggled to say the next few words, "What time is it?"

The others shifted glances to another, feeling concern for this girl, who had just turned an impossible colour of white.

"Uh," the other boy fumbled over his words, "it's half past six."

As impossible as it was, she turned even more pale.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no..." she muttered to herself as though in grief, " no, no, no, no, he's going to kill me, no," she looked up, desperation in her eyes, then flinched. She realised she was being stared at, and the one thing she hated apart from life was attention. She crouched, making a fetus position, as though she believed that that would save her. Tears stung in her eyes and she kept on muttering the same words of 'no", and "he's gonna kill me." It was clear that the girl was terrified, and the people around her didn't know what to do.

The nurse approached her quietly and  put an arm around the girls frail, small body that was trembling so much that it looked like she would break any second. She gently corrected the girls position and ordered her to "put her head between her knees" and take deep breaths.

A few minutes later, after her breathing had fallen back to a normal rate, she looked up again with a blank face, but with swollen eyes, and she slowly stammered,

"Why was I crying?"

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