Chapter 9: He stole my sandwich

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"Honestly, she worries so much," Ross sighed.

"It shows she cares for us though."

"Yeah, but honestly, Sam's not gonna lose to some weak idiots who decide to mug him all of a sudden. Neither is Drew. Screw Declan, he ate my ice cream, that ass."

"Arse," George corrected.

"I'm not British."

"I am."

They glared at eachother. Balthazar interrupted.

"You two shut up, I swear to God, I'm not going to buy anymore clothes for you idiots."

"Okay, moth-"

"Finish the sentence and you will have no tounge to ever speak with again."

"Yes, sir."


She rarely had enough to eat, she had bruises that couldn't be determined on whether it will ever disappear. She had scars that should have been stitched shut but looked as ghough they had only been stapled without any disinfectant. It was amazing she hadn't died. Not only that but she currently had two broken ribs with a mark on her stomach which looks like a shoe mark. It was a miracle she was able to walk.

But now she was suffering amnesia, something that would have happened long ago, due to the psychological damage she had endured, as well as the physical. She was wearing makeup, and rough job where it barely, but just about hid her scars and bruises.

She was in such a bad position, and the others would feel nothing but sadness and pity when they looked at her.

The ambulance was on their way, but it would take another ten minutes, even after the first twenty, because of the busy times.

She was most likely internally bleeding, in multiple places, and it seemed as though she had only forgotten about the pain due to fear of something.

Someone, maybe.

She breathed shallowly, in short, quick breathes whoch showed how mich pain she was in. Seeing as the GP did not have any equipment to even help her, aside from painkillers and anaesthesia, the doctor bit her lip in regret.

Five minutes passed, and there was a soft knock on the door. Three boys came in, eyes searching.

"Excuse me-"The doctor started, but one of the boys in the room stood up and walked towards them. Then he looked at the boy who was last to come in, and stared at him in an intimidating manner. Then he pushed him out the door and shut it.

"He stole my sandwich," the boy explained.

The room nodded in response and started to carry on with what they were doing, and the boys greeted eachother.


Yay, two chaps.



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