Chapter 13: Your Beautiful Saviour

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Chapter 12 Review

The man jumped from the sudden noise and his fingers was about to pull the trigger when-

He was knocked down unconscious. The bat swung back to its owner and and when it did, everything went silent.

"I thought something had happened.... But I didn't expect me to actually have to use this bat."

Chapter 13: Your Beautiful Saviour


Silence enveloped the entire street.

There she was, holding a wooden bat, seemingly carefree but most definitely furious, by the looks of her twitching eyes. Staring at the unconscious body, still lightly touching the gun, she sharply kicked the gun towards Drew, who was still holding a bleeding Balthazar.

He took hold of it quickly, gently laying Balthazar onto the floor, one hand pressing on the wound, the other pointing at a defeated but concious man.

She took deep breaths to calm her anger, slowly clenching and unclenching her fists repetitively.

"Ross." Her voice was monotone, yet still seemed to cut into the deafening silence. "Get Balthazar home."

Ross' spine stiffened as though he was being scolded, and immediately leapt into action, replacing Drew's hand on the wound with his. The silence continued until the two boys were out of sight.

She didn't move, but her fierce eyes could tell anyone 10m radius that she was not to be messed with.

"Drew, take all the guns away from them. Keep them in Bal's bag for now but wipe one of them and make him," she waved her hand towards unconscious man at her feet, "hold it. I knocked him out so he won't wake up for a while."

Drew did as he was told without questioning it.

The silence returned.

She turned around, and locked eyes with the supposed leader of the group. With a sinister smile, she approached him slowly, and crouched down to be eye level.

As she muttered something under her breathe, the rest of the conscious men watched as their leader's face paled and he visibly shook. Smirking, she stood back up, and announced that they were leaving.

Confused but somewhat proud, the rest of the boys walked away, their leader taking the front as she casually swung her bat from side to side.


She woke up.

There was muffled voices in the other room, and she massaged her temple, trying to rid her migraine.

A note sat beside her.

Hey Fanta!

Your beautiful saviour here! Sorry to say, but when you wake up, we won't be there...
However! You'll have the two dumb muscleheads nearby your door, so if perhaps a rabid rat or cat jumps at you, just scream and they'll probably just arm wrestle or something.
Well, I'll be back soon, so don't miss me too much! Don't walk around, don't talk, don't move, just stay still, your injuries make you look like you've been hit by five trucks from all directions.

Much love,
Your beautiful saviour,

She tossed it.

"Who's Fanta?" she mumbled to herself, as she stumbled over her legs trying to get out of the bed.

Everytime she moved, her body ached. The pain in her ribs and the constant pounding in her head made her dizzy and saw black dots invade her vision.

"Goddamn," she clenched her teeth as she gently lifted her body up, her feet tenderly placing themselves onto the cold, stone floor. She had no idea where she was, and she could still hear some muttering in the other room.

The two muscleheads, she thought to herself, and she staggered across the room towards a desolate desk that layed, for some reason, in the middle of the room.

The floor was like ice, and she almost slipped a few times before she reached her goal.

Fanta glanced at the desk. There laid another note.

Hey Fanta!

Just in case you didn't listen to me and got out of bed, GET BACK IN. Your injuries aren't a joke, and you're probably not feeling awesome. I promise we'll be there soon, we had some business. Just lay in bed and rest, don't aggravate your injuries.

My amazingness,

"Oh, I'm Fanta."

She scoffed, unamused, and ignored it. Fanta slowly approached the door, and she could hear the muffled voices getting louder.

Turning the handle as quietly as possible, she opened the door, and peeked through the tiniest crack.


Fanta's back, she's awake and still doesn't know what's going on...

It'll clear up soon... probably.

Stay safe, guys, wash your hands!

Lots of love,

Hidden xx

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