Chapter 15: An Idiot Who Needs a Bit Of Mending

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Chapter 15
She woke up with a start.

She wasn't entirely sure why, but her heart was raging, as if terrified of the consequences of sleep.

"How are you feeling?" A warm voice startled her. A woman sat next to her, her overhwelming curls tied tightly in a ponytail.

"Uh-" She stuttered, intending to reply, but her entire body seemed to scream in agony when she even attempted to move.

"Never mind, don't worry," the woman reassured her as she noticed her patient struggling to reply. "Don't strain yourself, you and your body's been through a lot." Her words seemed to hold a darker truth behind it, but she was too exhausted to think deeper into it. She sunk back into a pillow. "I'm just going to ask you some questions, and if you can't nod or shake your head, then blink once for a yes, blink twice for a no." She blinked, and the woman smiled.

"HI, I'm Yasmine, I've been treating your injuries for around a week. You've been sleeping for a week, although you woke up a few times in between. So," she continues, brushing her hair behind her ears, and looking down at a clipboard, "do you know where you are?"

She blinked twice.

"Do you know how you came here?"

Blinked twice.

"Do you know what happened last week?"

Twice again. A bit of a headache formed.

"Do you remember your name?"

Hesitation. Nothing seemed to come to mind aside from Fanta. Two blinks.

"Okay, great, I can't do much more because of the state of your body, but when you gradually recover, I'll need to ask a few more questions, is that okay?" Blink. "Awesome! I've glad you've come to, hopefully you'll see me again soon. I have another idiot patient who needs a bit of mending," Yasmine smiled bitterly, "He can't seem to stop making me worried."


"You idiot," Yasmine snapped as she entered the room.

It was empty; the rest of the boys had went home to rest and also to check up on Fanta. Balthazar sat on the bed, nervously smiling at his angry fiancée .

"Can't you spare me a thought when you get stabbed sometimes?" She glared at him, approaching with her medical equipment. "I thought I would die when you came in with a whole knife in you!" She started taking off his bandages and continued her rant, "you made me almost throw up with worry, can;t you at least stay safe when you're with them? I told you so many times that I wanted you out of the group! Not because I don't like them, you know that, don't talk, but because it always seems to be you who gets most hurt!" She finished dressing his wounds and sat on the bed, lips pursed and out of breath. "I just want you to be safe."

Balthazar looked down, "I'm sorry, Yas" he muttered, feeling the guilt weigh down on him. She stared at him with harrowed eyes and sighed, hugging his beaten body.

"Stay safe for me, please," she begged, tears welling up. "When she told me you were injured, I was wondering if i had to live as a widow who never even got married."


A bit of romance?

To be honest, I didn't know whether i should've put Yas as Bal's girlfriend or fiancée, simply because i wasn't sure whether i wanted her to be used as a 'weak- point', but then i really love her caring character, which i think is necessary for this sort of story, and also a huge help to Fanta (her name for now).

Also, I'm losing track of their names. So if you are as well, immense apologies, here's a list:
+ few more characters.
As the story goes on, i hope i can make them as human as possible, and as loveable and relatable as i can.

Thanks for everyone's support!

The Bad Boys and MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora