Chapter 8: Shut Up, Romeo's Servant

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Confused was hardly the way to put it when the girl who was crying suddenly looked up and didn't remember why she was crying in the first place.

"Why am I crying?" she repeated, but she hardly seemed to be talking to them, but more to herself. She didn't understand. She didn't know what happened. What was she so afraid of?Why was she so prepared to be killed? What had happened to her?

"Okay, calm down," The doctor seemed to understand the situation and sighed deeply. "It seems as though you have amnesia. Don't strain yourself, you'll just exhaust your brain. I don't know anything certain, seeing as this isn't an actual hospital, but a GP. I can redirect to a hospital, but for that I would also need your official papers and the like. However, I doubt you have any information about yourself, much less where you live." She turned to talk to the boys she didn't know.

Her head hurt so much. She was in so much pain. It wasn't just her head, it was her whole body. It felt like someone was constantly stabbing her. Again and again and again and again.
Her head was pounding as though a drum was beating right in her head.

"It hurts," she whimpered, making all the heads turn towards her. "It hurts." Black spots invaded her vision, and with the last "it hurts", she blacked out.

The Den

"Why aren't they back yet" the girl grumbled, "it's been an hour."

"Maybe they got lost," Balthazar suggested.

"Shut up, Romeo's servant," she snapped back, "It's a one minute walk to there and it's a straight path. They've been there millions of times and its harder to get lost than to get there."

"Okay, okay, chill, your majesty," He retreated, hands up in the air.

"Urgh, where are the others?"

"Probably playing cheat." As if on cue, loud voices could be heard from the other room. "Give me a sec, your highness, I think someone threw a punch."

"After you deal with them, can you call them here. I'm sending someone to get them. Or a group of people, just in case somethig happened." The mood turned serious.

There was a pause.

"I'm sure it's nothing like that," Balthazar reassured the worried girl, "besides, they have the strongest fighter in the gang."

"Exactly. What if they've plotting to get rid of him while he has his guard down? Whatever, just call them here. Quickly."


I have decided to release short chapters, but quickly. Is that good? Or like, nah?


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