Chapter 1: Strained Bonds

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It's been 3 weeks ever since my argument with Marinette. We haven't talk, hung out or even greeted each other. Though I have been trying to at least try to reconcile, her parents wouldn't let me see her. Even during patrol, I see her sitting in her room alone.  Seems she and Luka are at odds with each other. 

Come to think of it, she doesn't have her earrings on, nor Tikki is by her side.

After school, I went to visit my Uncle Mario, who hasn't  woken up from his coma yet. He's given at least another month to wake up. If not, the doctors will have to shut off his life support. Afterwards, I went to a restaurant and ordered Fish and Chips and a cup of water. 

"Hey, Vixen." A voice said. I looked up and saw my girlfriend, Roxanne.

She was wearing a purple hoodie with dark blue jeans and black high top boots. Her dyed blue hair was tied into a short ponytail. She sat on a chain in front of me.

"Hey." I replied as I poked my chips with my fork.

"Still no word from your uncle?" She asked.

I shook my head and sighed.

"Giving the cold shoulder to Marinette?" She asked.

I didn't reply and continued eating.

"I'll take that as a yes." She said.

I tried to ignore what Marinette said to me that completely broke our friendship, but I couldn't. My hands started to shake and tears started to prick my eyes. Roxanne placed her hand on mine.

"Sorry. It's just that I sort of envy Marinette for having parents. And I feel terrible when I snapped at her." I said.

"If I was in your shoes, I'd feel bad too. Also, Luka and Marinette aren't on speaking terms. Dunno why." She replied.

"Pretty Bird, I think I know why." I said, pushing my plate of chips towards her.

"Care to indulge me?" She asked as she took some of my chips.

I looked around to make sure that no one was within earshot and told her that I overheard Luka and Marinette arguing about her relinquishing the role of Marinette and that Lila was right about her being pathetic. After I finished, Roxanne had a look of shock in her eyes.

"Geez. No wonder they've been so cold to each other." She said.

"Si. They both said things that hurt them and now they won't talk to each other. Owen, Aria, Zoe, Juleka, Rose, Gorino, Corrin and Gloria have noticed the changes and the akumas have been targeting her for the past 3 weeks." I said, finishing my half of the fried fish.

Roxanne nodded and ate her half of the fish.

"Su-Han's been looking for a new holder of the Ladybug Miraculous, but to no avail." She said.

"Did he ask you?" I asked.

"Nah. I doubt I'm worthy anyway." She said with a shrug.

"I think you'd make a great Ladybug." I said with a smirk.

"Aww, thanks. But I'm more into hawks. And besides, you won't call me Pretty Bird if I became Ladybug." She said, pinching my cheek.

"You'll always be my Pretty Bird." I said.

Roxanne blushed and kissed my cheek.

"And you'll always be my Vixen." She said.

"Get a room, you two." One of the waiters said in disgust.

I scoffed and handed her 30 euros before grabbing my jacket and walking Roxanne home.

Shapeshifter POV

I overheard the conversation and smiled.

"Looks like the old man has the Ladybug miraculous." I said to Darius, who was sipping his tea.

"Then you know what to do?" He asked.

I nodded and left my seat, shifting into the form of Marinette in her Ladybug form. I headed towards the rooftops and smiled.

"Time to cause so damage." I said, twirling my yo-yo.    

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