Chapter 17: Heroes vs The Brotherhood

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No one POV

The heroes fought their way through the wave of henchmen, each being more challenging than the last. Tom snapped a kick at one of them before swinging his kali stick at more of them, knocking each of them to the ground. Aria flipped over a group of henchmen, allowing her clones to attack them. She used her staff to knock out a few henchmen with ease. Owen used his shield to block the bullets fired at him and threw his shield at the henchmen, knocking each of them out. Jessica threw a punch at one of the henchmen, knocking him out, and snapped a sweep kick at another, tripping him over.

"They sure are determined." Chloe said as she kicked aside a henchman.

"And so are we. We need to rescue my brother." Juleka replied.

"Wait? They kidnapped him!?" Aria gasped.

Juleka nodded.

"I saw them knock him out and drag him into a van. Then, I told Juleka and the others." Rose said as she blocked an attack from the henchman and kneed him in the jaw.

"Well, that explains Luka's sudden change of heart." Tom said as he jabbed his kali stick at a henchman.

Suddenly, Minotaurox charged right at them. Owen used his shield to block his attack, albeit it broke his wrist.

"Damn it!" Owen exclaimed in pain.

Bubbler fired a barrage of red bubbles at them, but they dodge them. Tom threw a smoke bomb at his eyes, blinding him. He launched his rope dart at Bubbler and yanked him onto the ground, causing him to land on his sword and breaking it. Bubbler reverted back to his normal form and blacked out.

"Gotcha, Stronzo." He said with a smirk behind his mask.

"Heads up!" Chloe shouted as she picked up Owen's shield and blocked a wave of lock symbols fired at him by Lady Wifi.

"Thanks." Tom said.

"See? Told you I'm not just a pretty face." Chloe said with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah." Tom said as he tool the shield and threw it at Lady Wifi, knocking her phone out off her hands. Before she could recover, Jessica snapped a flying knee at her jaw, knocking her out.  She stomped on the phone and freed the akuma.

"Clout!" Juleka shouted as she threw a devastating punch at Minotaurox, knocking him into Polymouse.

Suddenly, Lady Dark leaped off the railing and swung her twin swords at Chloe, who backflipped out of the way. She launched her spinning top at her, but Lady Dark grabbed the string and pulled Chloe towards her. Before she could finish her off, Aria threw her staff at Lady Dark, knocking her back. 

Tom ducked an attack from Black Hound and tried to counter attack, but was intercepted by Black Panther, who slashed his chest with his claws. Owen snapped a heel kick at Black Hound, who dodge and punched him in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain.

"We're getting our butts handled!" Aria shouted as she rolled away from King Monkey, who tried to jab him with his staff.

"Yeah. We need a miracle right now." Jessica said, dodging a blow from Lady Peacock.

"I hope this works. I only skimmed through the grimoire of the Bee Miraculous, well more like had Zoe read it to me while I took notes." Chloe said.

"Anything that'll help us." Tom shouted after he landed next to Chloe after doing a backflip to dodge Dark Hound's throwing knives.

"Here goes." Chloe took a deep breathe and shouted.


A wave of bees ejected out of her spinning top and attacked everyone in sight, except for the heroes. The bees stung all the remaining members of The Brotherhood, apart from Gabriele, Lady Dark and Lila, who hopped out of the way.

"Saint Merda." Tom gasped in awe.

"Ok, that was cool." Juleka said.

Chloe passed out in Rose's arms, breathing slowly.

"Keep her safe, Pigella." Tom said.

Rose nodded and carried her to safety. Lady Wifi swiped her swords at Aria, who ducked and kicked her in the stomach. Owen used his good hand to throw his shield at Lady Dark, who tried to duck, but failed. As she tried to regain her balance, Jessica tasered her in the back, knocking her out.

"We'll be taking these." Tom said as he removed the earrings from Lady Dark and crushed them under his boot, reverting Lady Dark back to Marinette.

"Hold it!" A voice shouted.

They turned around and saw Luka, Su-Han and Roxanne held at gunpoint by Gabriele and Dylan. 

"Shit." Aria cursed.

"Let them go!" Tom shouted.

"Surrender or they get it." Gabriele replied, cocking his pistol.

The heroes looked at each other and nodded. They dropped their weapons and raised their hands as a sign of surrender. Lila chuckled and went over to them to collect their miraculous. 

"You are such fools. Now, we finally succeed in our goal." She said.

"Not quite. NOW!" Tom shouted.

Aria summoned her clones again and ordered them to attack Gabriele. Tom snapped a kick at Lila, knocking her to the ground. Owen flicked up his shield and kicked it at the wall, rebounding back towards the back of Dylan's head, knocking him out. Su-Han saw his chance and flipped Gabriele over his shoulder, taking the Butterfly Miraculous from him.

The Brotherhood members were subdued and tied up.

"Sis!" Aria cried as she hugged a bruised and shaking Roxanne, who returned the hug  

"Thank you, guys." Luka sighed as Tom helped him up.

"Anytime." He said.

Luka looked down at Marinette, who was helped up by Jessica.

"You guys going to talk it out?" Tom asked.

"We'll see. Right now, we need to-." 

Luka was cut of by an explosion. Smoke blocked their view. Before they could react, Lila, Gabriele, Darius, Alya, Nino, Ivan, Mylene and Dylan were gone.

"What the hell!?" Tom gasped.

"Shapeshifter. We totally forgot about it." Corrin groaned.

"Which means we haven't seen the last of The Brotherhood of Shadows." Luka said. 

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