Chapter 8: A shocking reveal

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"You guys broke up? For real?" Roxanne gasped after Luka told us what happened. He nodded and slumped on the roof in a makeshift Viperion outfit that I got from the trash when he asked us if he can join our patrol. I gave him an unused bullet proof vest, shin pads, elbow pads and a telescopic baton. 

"Damn. That's rough, buddy." Corrin said, patting his shoulder.

"Yeah. I thought you guys were like inseparable. Like Romeo and Juliet." Gloria added.

"Yeah, except that their love died and their still alive." Zoe said.

"Not helping, guys." Luka grumbled.

After fighting a few drug dealers and preventing a few muggings, we were about to part ways until we saw Marinette standing on the roof. 

"Marinettte? What are you doing here?" Luka asked.

I noticed that her outfit was different. She wore her Ladybug outfit except that the spots were white instead of black and the jumpsuit itself was black. He yo-yo was wrapped around her waist and her earrings had silver butterflies on them. 

"LB?" Gloria asked.

Suddenly, Darius showed up wearing the same outfit as Shadow Cat except that his suit was armoured. He smirked at us.

"I see that you are introduced to our newest member of The Brotherhood." He said.

"Cosa (What)? What are you talking about?" I asked.

It took us a second to realise what he meant and stared at Marinette in complete shock.

"Y-You wouldn't." Zoe gasped.

"I did. And I have to say. It felt good to finally get out of my shell. I'm done being the hero and saving Paris when she uses me as a meat shield. And you guys were no help either." She said as she pulled out her yo-yo.

"How? We defended you from your ex friends. Or would you rather be friendless and have the whole world hate you?" I asked bluntly.

She launched her yo-yo at me. I managed to deflect it with my escrima before it struck me. She glowered at me with malice.

"If you don't want to end up like your uncle, I suggest you keep your mouth shut." She growled.

"Marinette, we can resolve this without having to-." Aria said, only for the yo-yo to barely miss her cheek.

"Ok, now you really asked for it." I said and pulled out my other escrima. The others pulled out their weapons and got into their stances. Darius snapped his fingers, alerting a group of akumas at his side. They surrounded us. I noticed that Black Bull was there. Along with Dark Hound.

"Well, we're in for it, huh?" Owen asked.

"Yeah. But we're not backing down." I said as I darted towards the first akuma. He swung his axe at me, but I dodged and roundhouse kicked him in the back of his head, knocking him to the ground.  Another tried to grab me from behind, but was knocked out by Hawkgirl. We fought the waves of akumas until we faced Lady Dark.

"Got any more akumas you want to throw at us!?" I shouted.

"Yeah. Just one. Well, two." She said and darted towards me. Before she could land a blow on me, Luka blocked her with the baton and pushed her back. Shadow Panther and Dark Hound darted  towards us.

I swung my escrima at him, but Dark Hound ducked and jabbed his blades at me, forcing me to step back towards the edge. Before he could strike again, I leaped back and launched my rope dart at him, pulling him of the edge with me. We tumbled in the air and landed on the ground in front of a crowd. Dark Hound threw more throwing knives at me, I quickly deflected them as I ran towards him and locked my weapons with his.

"You got a bad habit of getting in our way." He growled.

"That's my job!" I replied and headbutted him, knocking him backwards. As soon as I swung my escrima at him, he caught it and kicked me in the stomach. I landed on the ground and groaned.

"Then it's my job to put you down. Just like your uncle." He said and swung his blade at me. I rolled to the side and threw a smoke bomb at him, blinding him. As he tried to regain his eyesight, I dropkicked him in the stomach, knocking him into a car. 

Suddenly, I saw Luka falling from the roof until he landed on a bunch of pillows summoned by Capra and Golden Cluck, who landed next to me. They were both covered in cuts and bruises, possibly due to Black Panther. A portal behind me appeared.

"What the-?" I muttered and saw a sword aimed at my neck. I quickly blocked it with my escrima and stepped back as I saw Gabriele in the Hawkmoth attire he swung his sword at me again and again, forcing me to dodge the strikes until I managed to catch his sword and knock it away from him. He smirked and struck me in the stomach with his sheath, stunning me. As I tried to recover, he retrieved his sword and swung it at me again. 

Hawkgirl intercepted and blocked the sword with her staff. She snapped a kick at him, but he dodged and summoned a wave of akumas at us, knocking us into a wall. As we recovered, we saw our friends battered and bruised and the crowd running away screaming.  Just beforeI could get up, I felt as if my body was stiff and fell over.

"Su-Han?" Aria gasped as he saw him snap a kick at Roxanne, knocking her into a police car that belongs to her mother. Talia pulled out her gun and ordered him to surrender. The Celestial Guardian scoffed and darted forward, striking her in the torso and knocking her into a wall.

"MOM!" Aria shouted as she ran towards her only to get knocked out by Rena Rouge. Shellshock snapped Owen's arm, causing him to scream in pain.

"We're done here." Gabriele said as he entered the portal, followed by the others.

"This is not good." Gloria said as she managed to pop Owen's arm back into place, much to his discomfort.

After we managed to help clear up, we parted ways without another word.  

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