Chapter 13: Out of the bag

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Roxanne POV

6 Hours earlier 

My sister and I watched as our mother was taken to a police car with handcuffs on her wrists, wearing her dark blue t-shirt, black joggers and slippers. My sister cried out her name while I held her.

"Roxanne, take care of your sister for me! Promise me you will!" She called.

"I will." I replied. A satisfied smile stretched on her lips. The same smile she flashed at me when she found out I'm Hawkgirl.

No matter what, you'll always be my sweet, shy Roxanne. She told me after I arrested my father's killers.

I clutched Aria tightly as we watched our mother enter the police station.


During History, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Mum. The way she was dragged away by the police. Saying she's under arrest for attempted murder. Part of me wants to beat up the police, but my mother told me not to intervene as she wants me to take care of Aria, which I had no other choice but to stand down.

"It's hard enough that our Dad is 6ft deep and now our Mum is behind bars for a crime she didn't commit." I muttered under my breath.

"Roxanne? Is there something you want to share with the class?" Mrs Bustier asked. 

My classmates looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"N-no, Ma'am." I replied, my voice breaking.

"Care to add the fact your Mum's an attempted murderer!?" A classmate shouted.

"Ignore them." Tommaso said, holding my hand. I smiled back at him and squeezed his hand gently as thanks.

After class, we were going to our next lesson until I saw Darius walking the opposite direction. He was suppose to head to Maths, but is going to the locker room. 

"You guys go ahead. I left something in my locker." I said.

"You need company?" Tom asked.

"No, I'll be fine. See you at class, Casanova." I replied and pecked his cheek before running to the locker room. 

I followed him and saw him heading to an empty hall. As I peeked over the wall, I saw him talking to a figure in the form of a silhouette. Curious, I activated my voice recorder on my phone. 

"What the hell?" I whispered.

"Talia's in jail for my attempt on killing Mario Russo." Said the silhouette.

"Well, at least you weren't detected by anyone." Said Darius.

"Volpe saw me. Should we deal with him?" The silhouette asked.

"Let him be. We should thank him for allowing Talia to take the fall. After all, Alya did a good job on hacking into the police's DNA scans and changing the result from "Inconclusive" to "Match: Talia Joanna Smith". Maybe we should akumatize her and her daughters." Darius said with a smirk.

I gasped at what I heard and ended the recording. Tears leaked out from my eyes.

"Oh God. Mum was framed. I have to share this with the others." I said as I started to send the recording to the group.

"Not so fast." A voice said.

Before I could recover, everything went black. 

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