Die Tonight: Karma (wtfdijr)

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(What the fuck did I just read?)

Yoo.. In case anybody's confused I'll break down the chapter. My apologies though cause I wrote it weird and at 4am so I was barely conscious. Smh.

Here we go:

The first POV is what's currently happened.
Carmen's dealing with Trey's mom. It's pretty obvious that she doesn't like her. Carmen doesn't know why since they've never met. April is just protecting Trey.

Next couple of POVs are hours before, building up to What happened before the current one. 9 hours before Carmen didn't know about Trey or anything that was happening. The last chapter she had a lot of missed calls from Trey's number and that's why. Chris called from that number thinking that she would answer it because she might recognize it 

Trey is weak so his Best friends are there to help him. Chris and Allen have been trying to get Carmen just incase Trey doesn't make it.
Tyga comes back out of nowhere and tells Chris that he's dying. The reason will probably be in the next chapter. 

Riley comes back out of nowhere in a Riley fashion. She could have rang the doorbell but that's too normal. Asia didn't like that she left Rory and disappeared. Asia is the Asia White (Blac Chyna) that was pregnant by Tyga in the first story and she's been Carmen's friend in this story. Riley has never met Asia and got offended because of how bad she made Riley seem. The reason for Riley's disappearance during the 7 years between the end of Simply Amazing and the beginning of Die Tonight was because she went to the army. She's still in it so that's why she randomly left. Since Riley didn't have a mom she's extra protective of Rory. Riley lives around Atlanta and heard that Trey is dying.

Brooke is pretty much with her clique at all times. The clique would be Skylar (their cousin), Fiona (Carmen's former best friend), Nicole (Trey's ex girlfriend and Chris's deceased son's mom), and Naijah (She use to be Carmen's close friend, there's no beef tho.). Brooke and the gang are there supporting Nicole. No one knows why or when she and Trey broke up. Recently she's been becoming friends with Chris since they both miss their son. Brooke took Skylar's side for everything and never contacted Carmen again. So she didn't know that Kassidy existed.

Simone has always been in love with Trey. He's fucked her over a lot but she still loves him. The flashback was one of the times that happened, it didn't show them getting back together but the twins were born some years later so it's obvious. She goes to see Trey as much as she can but she has to work and take care or their sons and her brother Anthony. April likes Simone so she doesn't mind it. Simone never met Carmen but she has seen her. When Trey kissed her in the bathroom the day that Riley left was the first time. She didn't think that she would literally bump into her at the hospital.

Riley has been learning about Kassidy and they are closer than they've been. She didn't understand the dent Kassidy makes when she's thinking.

Kassidy's POVs are usually written from a childlike mindset. She doesn't know Skylar but she knows Jake. Skylar left when she was really young. As far as Chris being referred to as Bert... well the description is accurate. Bert from sesame street is taller than Ernie, grumpy, weird hair, and of course yellow. Chris has always hated Carmen and he doesn't care for Kassidy so most of the time that they're around he's going to look mad.

Aside from that. Kids are pretty smart, well some of them. She knows that it's something wrong with her dad and nobody is telling her. She knows that he's not being straight up with her. If her bandaid won't fix it what will?!

Once Carmen came in she got Trey's attention. Having liver cancer is hard and some things about it are tricky. He's knows that he could die and he wants to clear the air. Out of everyone, he fucked up the most with Carmen. It's probably his biggest regret. He has to get the transplant in order to live but incase it doesn't work he wants to fix things between them.

Carmen didn't know about the cancer but it really hasn't changed her mind. The last time she saw him was when Simone walked in on them in the bathroom so she knows how he feels about her. They were so caught up in each other the forgot Kassidy was there. Carmen tried to console her but Kassidy already figured out that things would be like they were before. Her dad doesn't want her so she only has her mom. That wasn't the case but it seems that way to her.

Did this help?

P.s ohemgee I just found out I started this 4/17/14. A year ago! :O

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