Chapter 7: Forever

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I waited for the children to be released outside of door sixteen

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I waited for the children to be released outside of door sixteen. It's 11:49 and they aren't out. Nobody is out.

The other parents were as frustrated as I am. "What's up with them?" Asia asked and her right foot tapped against the concrete. I had no idea.

A loud scream caught our attention and the doors flew open. Asia looked up and gasped. I couldn't see anything over the crowd. "What the.. "
As soon as she spoke the crowd parted and I made eye contact.

Tremaine smiled at us and his bodyguard made room for them to get through. I rolled my eyes and closed them for a moment. Why?

Kassidy let go of his hand and hugged Asia and I. Jasmine did the same.

"Wassup?" Tremaine asked casually and adjusted his black glasses.

Silently I grabbed Kasi's hand and began walking off the playground. I looked back to see Tremaine following Asia.

"Mommy what's wrong?"
"Nothing, why?"I peered down. "You're walking fast and look mad."
"I'm not mad. I'm just curious."
" 'bout what?"
"About why Tremaine was at your school and how he found out about it." The dent appeared when I unlocked the door. We walked in and I picked Kasi up and tossed her over my shoulder. I went to her room and sat her in her bed. I kneeled so we were eye to eye and calmed mine. "Did you tell him where you go to school?"

She was quiet and I sighed. "Yes mommy."
"Because he asked."

"Didn't we have the talk about telling strangers our business?" She pouted. "But that's my daddy." I blinked a few times.

How did we go from Dad to Daddy that fast?

"Yeah but you've only known him for a week. There are a few things we need to talk about."
Kassidy looked sad and I start to feel like poo'. I picked her head up and smiled a bit. "I'm not mad, it's just that things are moving fast. I don't want to see you hurt by anything. Okay?" Kasi smiled. "Okay"

The door bell rang out through the house.

I opened it, pulled Jasmine in, closed it and walked away. Asia reopened it mumbling something about me being rude. "Daddy!" Kassidy shouted and ran up to him. I turned to leave the room but he called my name. I looked at him. "Can we go somewhere?"
"Yeah please!?"

I mentally debated my answer. It's Friday and she doesn't have homework. I have to finish writing my paper but I guess it could wait. Nothing that could keep us here came to mind.

"Sure.." I mumbled. I turned to go to my room but told Kassidy she would need her hair combed before I made it to the stairs. I changed into my black stretchy pants and long sleeve black shirt.
I'm not one to put in effort.

I rounded the corner and peeked into Kassidy's room. My mouth fell open but I caught it before it could hit the ground. Tremaine was combing her hair. Kasi sat in between Tremaine's legs on her small bed reading aloud while he combed out her already separated hair. I combed it in three ponytails yesterday, two in the front and one in the back.
He brushed the hair together and secured them each with a ponytail holder.
Truthfully I was amazed. Watching him attempt to rebraid her hair but twisting it instead painted a different picture of him. He looked like a dad, a happy one.

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