Die Tonight:Chapter 10: Die Tonight

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Kassidy and Rory

(The day after the last chapter)

Eight people occupied the private upscale waiting room. Tevin, Alex, Simone, April, Kassidy, Chris, Carmen and Allen. The room was larger than most and came with extra security. As the mother April Tucker wouldn't settle for nothing less than the best for her family...and others. Six out of eight stayed close by while the two outsiders remained in a far away corner. Like yesterday there was an underlying tension, but the concern for Trey seemed to overshadow it.

This morning he'll be going to surgery, for a liver transplant.
He's done so much damage to himself the chances of him getting better are pretty slim. And he knows that. But he's praying for a miracle to happen.

Trey resquested that he have a few minutes with every member of his family. With the chances of survival so low they obliged.  It maybe his last time seeing them. Because of the crowd that piled into the waiting room they rescheduled the surgery for 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Extra vistors were seen first. Trey talked to his younger brother and sister. His youngest brother Forest brought his son to see Trey for the first time. He was showered in affection by his grandmothers. Chilled with his cousins and laughed with some of his famous friends. He even spoke to his father for a moment over the phone. The first couple of hours were exhausting so he took a quick nap.

The next couple of hours were hard. Tremaine never imagined that one day he would have to tell his mom to let him die. There were times where he almost didn't make it but that was when he had faith.

He had ran out of that the week he checked in.

April cried and clung to her first born. As bad as Trey wanted to tell her it was going to be alright, he knew better. Chris and Forest were sent in instead of security to escort April to the waiting room. The last words from her was "God please don't take my son."

The pain was unbearable for his 'grummas' so their visit was brief. They disappeared into the waiting room and his best friends appeared.


Me and Allen sat in the chairs and leaned on eachother. Normally I wouldn't be on no gay shit but I don't feel good about this. It's been gloomy and raining all day. Everybody sad and crying. I wasn't ready for this bruh.

Allen leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Why y'all looking at me like that?" Trey asked with a sigh. "Cause this shit wasn't suppose to happen to you." Allen agreed with a nod.

"It's my fault. Shit got out of hand and I couldn't deal with it. My bad." He said with a halfhearted shrug.
Did this motherfucker just say my bad??

"My bad? You fucked up and all you got to say is my bad?" I could feel the anger brewing. I guess Allen could too 'cause his swole ass pulled me back down in the chair.

"I know I did and I can't do shit to fix it. I'm sorry." He went on to say some ol' dumbshit that had me ready to whoop his ass.

"I didn't have Kamryn for that long. I was fucked up and wasted all the time I could have had with him. When I finally got my mind right I lost him." By now I was standing up and pacing. "You just got these damn kids a couple of years ago and from what I heard you was doing the same shit I did. Now you officially ready to be a real dad and you start drinking? All the times that you could have spent with them niggas. Now look what the fuck is happening. You on ya' deathbed looking sorry as hell. " Allen wiped his tears and nodded.

I sighed and turned my hat. "You my nigga, been there for me for everything. I love you to death and would trade places with you if I could but you did this. You think shit's bad now but wait until tomorrow. If you dont make it I know everything is going to hell."

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