Not an update. Can you read it tho?

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*poofs in*

Yo! Before I go into reasoning. I'm very sorry for my disappearing and my lack of updates!

Shit got real for me offline and I had to get things back on track. I've been mad sick. In and out of hospitals sick and I had surgery too. Schools sucks monkey ass and I'm behind an shit cause I've been too sick to go. As well as other annoying shit.

More importantly I'm settling into writing again. My mind has been everywhere else so I'm finally able to focus now.

I try to respond to every comment and I'm super behind on that, but I'm going to do it! Messages and all! (My notifications are fucking ridiculous,probably start on that tomorrow) And I'm also finishing the next chapter of Die Tonight. Since I haven't updated since last year *dry laugh* I wanted to write something good so I can end the story right and better than the last.

Shattered and Broken: I'm rewriting the next chapters

Misery Afflicted: Chapter is pretty much done, I just need to close it.

Simply Amazing: Needs a lot of editing.

And! I want to say thanks to everybody who reads the story/stories and still wants to read them. You all are uber dope! That's motivating an' shit for me when I'm writing.

I think that's about it.. But If you got a question about the stories,updates, or whatever you can comment or message me. If you're cool enough (probably are) you can tweet me @ifweonlyknewwhy ,(My mouth is horrible on there but still..)

Thanks for reading this!


*poofs out*

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