Die Tonight:Introduction

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Several Years Later


I'm tired of a lot of things but around this time waking up is number one.

A half hearted push landed me on the floor. I could see that it's a little after 8 am. I was suppose to be up earlier but it's just school, nothing major. When I decided to roll under my bed and go back to sleep the door opened. Jade walked in. "Are you up? Breakfast is ready."

"I'm up." I mumbled into the carpet. "Great! Are you walking with Riley?"


I pulled myself away from the floor and in to my bathroom. I got myself ready for the day and grabbed my dark blue hoodie on the way to the door. Surprisingly enough I got out of there unseen.

Two blocks away I saw Riley sitting on the curb looking down at her notebook. I approached her cautiously and she frowned. Riley rarely frowns, she's always excited about something. She hands me my backpack and she grabs hers. "Ready?" She nodded and walked beside me on the street. It was quiet and I didn't want to point it out so I awkwardly looked around us.

"You know one day I'm not gonna be here." I stopped walking and looked down at her "Yeah.... why?"

"I'm just saying, one day I'm not going to be here. But I don't know what day that might be."

"Can I ask why we are talking about this?"

"I'm scared of dying. Like that shit is always on my mind. I don't know when it will happen and I feel like if I'm not careful I'm gonna slip up and let it happen. I'm not ready bro, I'm not." She sighed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you scared to die?" Riley asked me with a childlike look that made me feel bad about what I'm going to say.

"No, not really."

"B-but why?" I sighed.

This really must be getting to her.

"Well because it's inevitable. I'm going to die eventually and when it happens that'll be it." I lightly shrugged.

This is so not how I wanted to spend my morning walk.

"Nigga what?" She made a face at me that I rolled my eyes at. "Look here, since your comprehension seems a bit off today. I'm not scared of dying or how I'll die. However I'm a bit scared of when. It could be during a time when I'm doing .....something. Or it could be during a time where I'm happy. " I chuckled at that blatant lie. "If I could pin point my death down to the second I wouldn't even worry about that. Look at me. What purpose do I serve? Exactly none at all. It's only me here and it'll be the same whenever I croak." I look at Riley who glared at me.

"What if something happens?" I raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"What if you get a boyfriend?"

I snickered and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. What about a pet?"

"What kind?" I dryly asked.

"A dog!"

"Hate them."


"Hate them."


"Ugh. No."

She stopped and looked at me. "I don't support you getting a giraffe or whatever the hell a fancy rat is." I rolled my eyes and looked down at her. "Too damn bad."

"Okay what if you have a kid?" I frowned. I could never have a child. I can barely take care of myself.


"No? You're gonna have a kid whether you want to or not. Annnd when you do I bet you'll actually be happy! Even if I'm not there to see it... Oooo!! You should name her Riley Allycia or him Riley Alex. Ohhhh that's gonna be soo cool. We're going to get you pregnant!!" Riley exclaimed making a few older people look at us in shame. Although every other 16 year old is out getting pregnant doesn't mean I'm willingly going to join them.

We continued walking and we got back on the death topic. Riley upset herself and began hyperventalating. We were approaching the trucker street which is beside our school, for whatever reason. I slowly walked backwards while trying to calm her down. "Ughh. Riley you don't have to worry about that. You're only 12! You've got a long way to go before you even have to worry about dying." We ended up speaking louder because of the loud horns and engines. "What about you!?"

"What about me!? I'm fine. I'm here. Don't worry abo-"

The wind being knocked out of me caused me to black out for a moment.

When I came to I couldn't see anything but my entire right side was in pain. All I can here is wind rushing by my face and wheels. Slowly it feels like my blood is leaking out of me, a feeling that I know too well. I can't explain why I feel like I'm losing consciousness or why my heartbeat is slowing down. The silence was broken and I could hear yelling in the distance.

Strangely enough I found myself counting my heartbeats as they spaced out.

Beep!.. there goes one.




........Beep!.. three............................


......... Beep! ...............................................four.

"16 year old female in need of serious medical attention NOW!"

I waited for the fifth heart come..........................................

But it never did.


"AHHHHH!" I woke up in my empty room, scared shitless. I instantly touched the long scar on my right side. It's nearly blended into my skin but the line of the stitches can still be felt. I shook my head and looked at my clock.


I knew I had to get up soon... but that doesn't mean I will. My phone vibrated against my pillow and I saw that 'Asia' was calling.


"Did you just wake up?"

"Um no, I went out jogging.... I'm tired.... What do you want?"

"Well since you asked! I need you to pi-" I hung up and rolled my eyes. I didn't want to be rude but there's only so much of her voice that I can take in the morning.

I groaned and went to my bathroom so I could start the day.


Elloooo, Deja Vu?

I wanted to start the story like Simply Amazing pretty much with Carmen having a nightmare/flashback without giving too much away. But this nightmare is actually important to the story and how Carmen is living now, and that will be explained in a few chapters... The other story was wayyy too difficult to write because it felt like there was 9847658640062069789 characters and like millions of things going on.(I wrote that story when I didn't really have a clue on writing but wanted to write >.<). Anywhoz This story will be mainly CarmenxTrey with appearances from the other characters.

Update: 8/31/2016

I'm editing this story so some comments and stuff may not make sense. This story was written wayyy better than Simply Amazing so I won't be changing much but a lot of the previous story will change so at some point it may help to read it

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