ミ★ 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘖𝘤 𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘰 #2 (~~~𝔘𝔓𝔇𝔄𝔗𝔈~~~) ★彡

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Basic information:

Name - Netsu Alston
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Birthday - July 2
Sexuality - Pansexual
Family members - Decease except for his older brother



Height - 166 cm
Weight - 55kg
Eye - sea green (left, cover with eye patch) and indigo (right)
Skin - Pale and smooth, but you could still see the well train muscle
Hair - Black wavy hair has bangs
Clothing preference - Comfy, a bit emo, Casual, Stylish
Accessory - Wristband, small necklace, glasses (when reading), headphones, phone



Nen ability #1: 7 Illusion of hell:
This ability actually shows what Netsu thought hell would be like.
1. Grant's Netsu the ability to create/summon hellfire (control fire)
2. Can make himself invincible for 5 minutes (invisibility)
3. Grants the ability to create an illusion of himself (cloning)
4. Grants the ability to create and control vines
5. Creating an illusion of a location or a person (illusions)
6. Grants the ability to poison/paralyze someone by touching them. (poison)
7. he can heal someone else by sacrificing his own blood --> the amount of blood depends on the person conditions

Side effect/Limit: His left eye will turn red when using this ability. After 2 hours, he will start coughing blood and after 3 hours his body will experience a high fever. 4 hours is the maximum of use before the ability went on an automatic cooldown for 3 days. If used for 4 hours, Netsu will faint immediately, after waking up he will suffer from blindness for a couple of days and a high fever. 

Nen ability #2: Inventory
He put his Nen in his wristband which is an inventory space where he keeps his stuff, weapons, food as well as his pets inside. He cannot be inside and cannot put a person inside.
Side effect/Limit: None



--> Hisoka (aged down to 23) <--
--> Illumi (aged down to 22) <---
--> Chrollo (aged down to 22) <--
--> Feitan (aged down to 22) <--
--> Shalnark (aged down?? to 18) <---

--> Machi (Aged down to 20) <---
--> Pakunoda (Aged down to 22) <---
---> Shizuku (Aged down?? to 19) <---

(warning: It would most likely be a platonic relationship because I will be mostly focusing on the plot rather than the romantic relationship itself. Soooooo~ plz don't mind the torture). 

~~~Other characters~~~
--> Gon & Killua (Aged up to 13 and think of Netsu as an older brother) <---
--> Kalluto (Aged up to 11, think of Netsu as an older brother and is his first friend!) <---
--> Alluka & Nanika (Aged up to 12, think of Netsu as an older brother) <---


A/N: Just some update before starting Heaven Arena Arc which~ would, unfortunately, will be quite short  .(╥_╥).  
Have a nice day, Adios~ 

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