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Y/n:Yeah,she said that there is 3 suitor-

Irene:Don't worry I know.

She hangs up.

Y/n:I was not worried.

Life is full with stressful events,and you either take it well or you take it badly.By default,we creatures tries to calm down,we hate being under pressure and that is completely fine.

Sometime,I look into the past and I hate dwelling in the past,you can't change anything,you might like a girl and then you changed,and you realise that they are actually a piece of sh*t.

It is a pain in the ass,but,that's what life is and I can guarantee,that something bad is happening now and I can't do anything about it,and why do I need to worry,Iam not the one that is responsible,for such action.

Anyway,the world is fill with evil,love,hatred,kindness and by saying that,without actually experience it,we get negative,but, if we look into it,it is necessary to hate and love,the other will not exist without the other.

I just wish,I could just say that everything will be fine,I might look calm and collected,but,to be honest I myself can get stress at times.

I sigh.

I hold my sword,up againts my chest,I have alot of secret and I will bring it to my grave.

I don't think I'm a good person,and that is what a good person will say,if someone said that they are a good person,then they are an asshole,but,you don't define yourself as good or bad,you let other define you as a person.

Then what am I after,do I really want this,is this what I need and do I really care,how about my future and am I gonna be a wise old man or a wise depressing old man.

My thought is on shambles,I feel like I'm with myself and myself only in this world,am I real?

Damn,guess I can't find out and that is what bother us as a species,we hate it when we do not know,something and that is fine,without it we wouldn't be able to stay alive and defend.


I need to find answers,and there is only one man I trust,to give me this information.


Ozpin:If it isn't my nephew.

Y/n:Yeah yeah,now tell me who is my parents.

Ozpin look shock and surprise,what didn't think I would say that and don't you think a kid can ask question when they get older?

Ozpin:Why do you wnat to know?

Y/n:For information,my mind is all over the place.

Ozpin:Well,come here then.

I sit across from him.

Ozpin:What do you think of yourself?

Y/n:An awful person,that just wants...To be honest,I don't know what I want.

Ozpin:I can feel it,you are lost just like me.

Y/n:Don't need to tell me that.

Ozpin:When you look at the cloud what do you see?

Y/n:A cloud?

Ozpin:Good,now if a cloud comes together and made a shape,is it still a cloud or is it the shape it self.

Y/n:It is still a cloud,no matter what shape it is,it is still a cloud.

Ozpin:Now,if a depressed man,suddenly imitates a joyful person,is the person still depressed?

Y/n:To others,it will seem that you are a joyful person,but,deep down you are just hiding yourself from the real you.

Ozpin:In conclusion,it doesn't matter who you are or who you want to become,in the end you just have yourself.


Ozpin:I know the feeling,the feeling of not achieving something and it will bothered you from time to time,but,you will grow out of it.

Y/n:But,what if I don't?

Ozpin:Then you are not letting go of the past,instead you dwell in it and renewing it over and over,not finding anything,but,finding a better way to counter it.


Ozpin:Stop being mad about something you cannot control.

Ozpin:Sometime,things gets destroyed so a better thing can be built.

Y/n:How do you know that?

Ozpin:If a tribe of people,has alot of...Dust,but,they are unable to do anything with it because they do not have the technology to do so.

Ozpin:And a more bigger and advance civilisation,came into the picture they can use the Dust for something far more greater and better,then the tribe.

Y/n:What if they form an agreement,so that both are benefit from such situation.

Ozpin:We are creatures of greed,even if they manage to form an agreement,it can be broken,with a snap of a finger.

Y/n:I guess the world is f*ck...

Ozpin:I wouldn't say that,we are focusing on the negative side,what if the civilisation help the tribe to be more develope and then more theories arise.

Ozpin:We cannot find the actual answers,we can only do it by the process of elimination.

Y/n:What do I do now?

Ozpin:I tell you what,go enjoy life and when you are at it,help a few people and I can guarantee,that you will feel better.

I feel something deep inside me,I inhale and exhale.


Ozpin:Do nor be scare,there is other that will help you and before you say that you do not want to be a burden.

Ozpin:Some people just want to help,and that is great,but,never depend on others to do the job for you,let them teach you and you will apply it to your problem.

Y/n:I...Don't know what to say....

Ozpin:Good,which mean you are listening and please do not be,scare,shy or embarrassed,seek advice when you need advice and help people in need.

Y/n:I will,try it.

Ozpin:Good,now go along young man.

I stand up from my sit and made my way to my dorm.

Y/n:Excalate,we are going on a trip.

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