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‘‘So what do you think we should do next?”

I look at her,hand in my pocket and a frown on my face,I really dislike this idea of ‘hanging out’ I thought it was suppose to be fun,not exhausting.

“...I don't know,maybe we should eat?”

I suggest to her,of course with an empty head like hers,she would probably ignore me and go in the arcades,what is the point of arcades?

Wasting your money,for a short moment of happiness,pathetic,I,Y/n
have never went to an arcade before,although I did watch a couple of kids played before outside the arcade itself,it was interesting,so younger me wanted to play as well,but.

To enter,I need supervision on an adult,preferably parents...

“What,come on lets do something fun!”

She gets to close for comfort,our shoulders collided with each others and my face was warm,but,she looks okay with it and I do not know,either I should be worry or I should be terrified.

“Oi,don't get close.”

She then pouts,she then lightly punch me on the chest,showing her pout at me and I hate to admit it,but,it was extremely effective.

I decided to surrender,and sigh,she smiles and hold my hand,dragging me to somewhere I do not like,in the distant I can see the word ‘Arcade City’ damnit,I guess I need to relive my horrible experience.

“Why did you pick this place?”

She turns her head at me,and on of her ears flop down and she looks at me like I was a piece of meat,eyeing me to the core.

“Come on,arcade is the most enjoyable thing that has ever exist!”

Said the extrovert to the proud loner,the best thing that has ever exist,hardly,from what I know arcade is usually pair with games and games contains the mechanism of losing and winning.

“Sure,I grab the tokens and you pick a random games...”

She then took her hand away from me,and I turn to the counter that waa beside me.

“So do you wish to waste your time in this dreaded place,sir?”

I was shock,I thought my ears betrayed me for a second,but this lady,she actually said what I was thinking,I have never been more happier in my life,this is overly exaggerated.

“Unfortunately,yes,here you go...”

“Not a talker,heh...”

She said dryly,she was busy exchanging the valuable currency,to the non valuable currency,she looks quite pretty,and her blonde hair compliment her looks and over all she looks,alright.

“Can't say Iam,didn't have the fondness memory growing up...”

She then gave me the tokens,it was place in a plastic bag and she takes a glimpse of my eyes.

“Not sleeping well?”

I took the bag from her hand.

“Can't say I have,have trouble falling  asleep or keeping myself asleep...”

She has a worry look to her face,she tilts her head slightly to the right,oi don't do that,you look adorable...

“Well,you should go to the doctor,like it could be really bad...”

Thank you,for actually caring for me,stranger.

“I probably should...”

I nod and walk away,hope she didn't find me rude,not that I care,but,it is rare for me to have that kind of conversation with anybody...

I look for Korone,and I saw her with three other strangers,which I have never met,because,they are strangers and...yeah.

I walk to her and she looks at me,she looks so adorable,I can help but smile a little.

“I got the tokens...”

I said to her lifting the bag of tokens to my chest,the other strangers I have never met looks,puzzled and confused,then one of them develope a blush on her face...

“K-Korone,is that,y-your boyfriend!”

Was I surprise,no,after the second stutter,I knew what she was about to say.

Korone on the other hand,was giggling and look away from my face.

“No,we are not dating,we are just...”

She then scratch her head and look at me sweetly.

“What are we exactly?”

I don't know,with you doing some sexual act with me,I don't really know anymore,remember when you pinned me to the bed and you move your grind ass on my waist?


I said dryly,not wanting them to misunderstand the question and I was ready to leave,not caring if I was wasting my money on this tokens.

“Really,toobad,he looks really cool...”

The second said quietly to herself,I however heard it,thank you and thank you semblance...

“Hmm,well I guess that's fine,oh,would you look at the time!”

She said rather weirdly,and it sounded faker then Irene's mask that she is always wearing...

“Woah,we are late,come on girls!”

The first one said,they then left,except for one...

“Take care of her,hottie,and please take responsibility...Korone can act dominantly,if her toy,is hanging out with someone else~”

She whisper to me,her sultry voice was seductive and terrifying,at the same time...


She waves at Korone,and she winks at me with a smile.

“Who are they?’

Korone eyes looks widen,she looks scary and her eyes it was reddening,sounded like a movie.

The reddening.

“Why would you care,Y/n.”

Sounded more like a statement then a damn question.

“Just curious...”

She then walks closer to me,her steps was loud.

She then stops,right infront of me...

“Becareful,Y/n,I don't like it,when someone interrupt my time.”

I gulp and she close the gap between me and her.

“Place your damn hand on my head.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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