Chapter Four: How the trouble began

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But let's move on to someone who hasn't been around in the last few chapters. Pippa Pirate. She's been going through some struggles since the first chapter. She's been hearing a voice in her head calling out to her. And no, it's not like what happened with Elsa in Frozen Two. This voice has also been giving her intrusive thoughts. This all started happening after she traveled back in time to over a decade ago. She wanted to have a look at something that happened in her past only for something to come back to the future with her. She's tried to get through her days, ignoring the voice but it's been persistent.

Whatever it is, it wants her attention. She has refused to tell anyone about the voice as everyone seemed to be ignoring her anyway. Not only that, she's noticed that someone has been stealing things from her ship. She has secretly accused Selena but, when she looks around her lab, her things are nowhere to be seen. So she's been dealing with a voice in her head and a thief she can't catch. It annoyed her to no end. But she tried not to let it get to her. Besides, Piro's birthday was coming up so she needed to prepare for that.

But, alas, there was still the voice stopping her from doing anything. The longer she ignored it, the more it would pester her. And the more powerful it would grow. A few days before Piro's birthday, Pippa was making her outfit when the voice made a horrible ringing in her head. She covered her ears and tried to stop it but it would just ring and ring. Pippa made her way out of her cabin onto the deck. She yelled at the ringing to stop while accidentally making a burst of energy escape from her and the ringing stopped.

But she had cut off all power to the Island. Any lights that were on had gone dark and any devices that were on turned off. Selena was working on something when she noticed it happening. Only because she suddenly became blind. Pippa noticed what she had done and made it all go back to normal. Concerned about what just happened, Selena went out to investigate. Vincent told her where the energy had come from so she went to see Pippa. She flew over just to get there faster to see Pippa on the deck just pacing. Selena landed near her and Pippa looked over.

"What the hell happened?" Selena asked Pippa

"Nothing," Pippa said

"So you're telling me that you randomly cut all power off to the point it made my mask stop working? Tell me what's going on."

Pippa just sighed, "It's nothing you should be concerned about. Just a nightmare that triggered my powers. It won't happen again."

"I hope not. Just be careful, please. We don't want this happening again."

Pippa nodded and Selena flew off. Little did Pippa know, she just released the voice that was in her head. She gave it enough power to bug her even more and finally reveal itself.

'Just like your father. You're a terrible liar,' The voice said.

"That's it! Who the hell are you? You've been in my head for months!" Pippa said

'I thought you would recognize me by now. I am the Destroyer of Worlds, the Bringer of Chaos, the Lord of the Undead, and your uncle.'


Unicron left Pippa's body to reveal a purple, seethrough, smaller version of himself. The core of the Earth had returned.

"But... Optimus forced you back into status and put you into the Allspark container. How are you here?" Pippa asked

"Foolish girl. When you returned to the day I was to emerge, I sensed two of you. Therefore, I used whatever power I had to inhabit your mind," Unicron explained, "Your mind is just as weak as your father's. It was so easy."

"That doesn't explain why you've been giving me so many intrusive thoughts."

"I have been letting you see what you have locked away in your mind. You have those thoughts all the time yet you lock them away."

Unicron went on to tell her that she should act on those thoughts. Maybe then she could punish those who have done nothing but humiliate, ignore, and steal from her. She refused to give in to her uncle but she thought about it more. Ever since she's been created all those years ago, no one ever took her seriously because she was so different. All the bullying and humiliation she's endured for no good reason. And Selena made it worse in the past when she was a villain.

During all their fights where Selena would tease how weak Pippa was when she was the most powerful thing in the known universe. Unicron told Pippa to let him inhabit her body to make her more powerful than him and Primus, Pippa's father, combined. Enough power to make everyone pay. Believing that Unicron was right, Pippa agreed. Unicron used his power to inhabit Pippa and transform her into the most powerful being on Earth. Pippa's blue hair now had streaks of red in it and a little accessory to make her have that Pirate look.

Her eyes were also red. Her once white wings had become as black as the night. As for her outfit, her shirt became ripped around her stomach and her right arm lost its sleeve. Her right arm was now lazily wrapped all the way to the shoulder. Her skirt now became a belt with a chain on one side and a sword on the other. Her trousers became darker but her boots remained the same. The look was completed with a captain's hat with a white feather. She felt so powerful and so alive.

'What is this feeling of power and drive I've never known? I feel alive!' Pippa said smirking, 'Where does this feeling of power derive making me know why I'm alive? Like the night, it's a secret. Sinister, dark, and unknown. I do not know what I seek yet, I'll seek it alone! I have a thirst that I cannot deprive. Never have I felt so alive! There is no battle I couldn't survive feeling like this, feeling alive! Like the moon, an enigma, lost and alone in the night, damned by some heavenly stigma but blazing with light! It's the feeling of being alive! Filled with evil, but truly alive! It's the truth that cannot be denied! It's the feeling of being Pippa Pirate!'

Pippa laughed as she looked in the mirror to see what she thought was the true form that she's been missing all her life. She admired the look before starting her goal to make the world hers. She went back outside where she worked her magic to warm the people that she was here to cause some trouble. The once blue mist that represented her powers had now become purple. It went into people's houses and invaded their dreams, showing highlights of what was to come in the following days. Pippa then flew into the middle of town where she went to cause more trouble as she would now describe.

'Animals trapped behind bars in the zoo need to run rampant and free! Predators live on the prey they pursue. This time, the predator's me! Lust, like a raging desire, fills my whole soul with its curse. Burning with primitive fire! Berserk and perverse! Tonight I'll plunder heaven blind, steal from all the gods! Tonight I'll take from all mankind, conquer all the odds! And I feel I'll live on forever with Unicron himself by my side! And I'll show the world that tonight, and forever the name to remember's the name Pippa Pirate! What a feeling to be so alive! I have never seen me so alive! Such a feeling of evil inside! That's the feeling of being Pippa Pirate! What a feeling to be so alive! I have never seen me so alive! Such a feeling of evil inside! That's the feeling of being Pippa Pirate! With this feeling of being alive, there's a new world I see come alive. It's a truth that cannot be denied! There's no feeling like being Pippa Pirate!'

She forced the streets to go dark as she went to her ship. She had a lot of work to do.

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