Chapter Nineteen: Making things right

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Pippa had been put in a cell while Piro figured out how Pippa's Time-travelling ship worked. Once she had figured it out, she put everyone back to when Pippa took them. As for the few who had died, Piro was waiting for Pippa or Selena to bring them back so she could put them back too. Using the pond that Selena had created, Selena and everyone else was healed. But it wasn't the kind of magic to bring the dead back to life.

Once Selena had gotten back on her feet and out of her bloodied clothes, Piro asked her if she had a spell to bring the dead back to life. She didn't because she didn't have that kind of magic. Even if she did, she would've used it to bring their dead back to life a long time ago. Only Pippa has that ability. Her father is a God of Creation so it only made sense. But Selena soon learned that, even if she were able to bring everyone back, Unicron wasn't letting her. Her staff seemed completely under his control.

He was only allowing the spells he wanted her to cast. And that one spell was the one that would get him out of this new prison. And Pippa? Well, she was finally understanding the consequences of her actions. She knew she deserved this. Powerless and locked up. She was given a second chance at life to do good. But look how well that went. She even started to hate the new look that Unicron gave her five years ago. This wasn't her.

After a week of doing whatever they could to restore the Earth, the quartet soon realised that it would take too long to restore the world they were used to. Without Selena's magic, they had to do everything by hand. But they were starting to consider giving Pippa her powers back just to help them out.

But Optimus feared that Unicron would try and take over Pippa's body again. Piro believed that it was a risk they needed to take. But now the biggest question was; who would talk to Pippa about this? Selena said she would do it believing she needed to. So, she went to the prison without her staff to visit Pippa who was just sitting on the bed in her cell.

"Hey Pippa," Selena said

"Hi," was all Pippa said

"Look, I don't know what I did to you in the past but I apologies for it. But despite everything I had done, you gave me a second chance. I would like to offer you one too."

Pippa looked at her, "You want to give me a second chance after I almost killed you?"

"I killed you a few times yet you still forgave me for it. I think. I'm just happy to be alive. And I want you to prove yourself to the people of Earth by doing some good and restoring their world."


"You heard me. I did it once, you can do it too."

"That would mean you'd have to give me my powers back. What if-"

"We're all willing to risk the whole Unicron thing. All we need to do is try to take him out of you again and return him back to 2011. But we need you to do this. So please."

Pippa thought it over and agreed to do it. She was let out of the cell and outside where everyone was weary of her. But Pippa finally saw the damage she had caused and regretted every part of it. But she was ready to right her wrongs. Selena returned her powers and Pippa used them to restore Earth, bring the dead back to life, and return to her old self again.

But even after doing all of that, she wasn't immediately forgiven by everyone. She knew she wouldn't. But she would continue to bring people from the past back to their timelines and wipe their memories of what happened so that the future didn't change at all. Pippa would do whatever she could to restore order to the world which would take months to do. And Unicron never showed up again.

No intrusive thoughts and no voices. Selena would confirm that Unicron had left her staff as she could use it again. But she knew something was wrong. There had to be. One night, while pacing about on her ship alone, Unicron would flash the memories of what she had done to get her to react. But she was trying her best to leave it in the past. But there was still a bit of doubt inside.

'It's over now I know inside no one will ever know... The sorry tale of Pippa Pirate, and those who died... No one must ever know... They'd only see the tragedy, they'd not see my intent, the shadow of Pirate's evil... would forever kill the good that I had meant...' Pippa started to wonder, 'Am I a good girl? Am I a mad girl? It's such a fine line between a good girl and a...'

Unicron finally spoke up after all this time, 'Do you really think that I would ever let you go? Do you think I'd ever set you free? If you do, I'm sad to say, it simply isn't so. You will never get away from me!'

'All that you are is a face in the mirror!' Pippa tried to convince herself, 'I close my eyes and you'll disappear!'

'I'm what you face when you face in the mirror! Long as you live, I will still be here!'

'All that you are is the end of a nightmare! All that you are is a dying scream! After tonight, I shall end this demon dream!'

'This is not a dream, my dear - And it will never end! This one is the nightmare that goes on! Unicron is here to stay, no matter what you may pretend - And He'll flourish, long after you're gone!'

'Soon you will die, and my memory will hide you! You cannot choose but to lose control.'

'You can't control me! I live deep inside you! Each day you'll feel me devour your soul!'

'I don't need to survive like you need me! I'll become whole as you dance with death! And I'll rejoice as you breathe your final breath!'

Unicron laughed, 'I'll live inside you forever!'


'With Primus himself by my side!'


"And I know that, now and forever, they'll never be able to separate Pippa from Unicron!'

'Can't you see it's over now? It's time to die!' Pippa grabbed her knife from her belt

'No, not I! Only you!'

'If I die, you'll die, too!' Pippa tried to stab herself but Unicron stopped her

"You'll die in me, I'll be you!"

Pippa threw the knife to the side, 'Damn you, uncle! Leave me be!'

"Can't you see you are me?"

"No! Deep inside-!'

"I am you! You are Unicron!"

"No - Never!"

"Yes, forever!"

"God damn you, Uncle! Take all your evil deeds, and rot in hell!"

"I'll see you there, Niece!"

"Never!" Selena yelled landing on the ship

Using her magic, she took Unicron out of Pippa's body once and for all. No more will he torment them.

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