Chapter Twenty: The View from here

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Now that Unicron was dealt with, they went back to 2011 to put him back where he came from and their ordeal with him was finally over. But, before all that occurred, a few things happened. While celebrating Maddie's birthday for the first time in five years, Paul had something for Selena. A potion that would give Selena her eyesight back. But he had a price for it. He wanted to know what Selena had done with the Princess of Tua Bay.

Selena would finally reveal the truth which was she was the Princess. She just made up the lies about kidnapping herself so she could do whatever she wanted. She even showed him the old dress she had managed to keep all these years. After years of denying it, Paul finally accepted the truth and gave her the potion. Though she wouldn't use it right away. Meanwhile, Maddie and Felicity had started to grow close to the point that they both had a crush on each other.

But Felicity wouldn't accept her feelings for Maddie since she still loved Selena. And she even told Maddie this. This broke her heart. But she wanted to do anything to win her heart. She tried Selena for a love spell but she refused to do that. But Pippa would soon overhear Maddie's love issue and ask her to meet her at the docks of Tua Bay. Maddie would meet her there after night fell

"Maddie, I've got something for you," Pippa said after the two had greeted each other

"A new friend?" Maddie asked


"A position on your ship?"


"But what could possibly be better than a position on your ship?"

"Let me show you. Maddie, you and I, we make something out of nothing. Me and you, Maddie, we see things that aren't there. Maddie, you and I, we ask how but never why. It's me and you, Maddie. Maddie, you and I,' Pippa let Maddie abroad her ship, "Welcome aboard the Lost Dream. I haven't been on this thing for years. Let's see if it still works. Push that button."

"The one marked 'Fly'?" Maddie asked

"That's the one," Pippa smiled

"Something crazy is going to happen now, isn't it?"

"How did you guess?"

"Where are we going?"

"Up, up, up," Pippa stopped Maddie from pressing the button for a minute, 'When a girl like you looks to the sky, at the stars and planets passing by. If the girl's like me, she'll want to fly into the stratosphere,' she finally let her press the button, 'And as we both rise into those skies, your future will appear. That's why I've brought you to see the view from here. When a girl has just a touch of odd and she walks the streets without a nod, she should know that odd is a gift from God like this starry blue chandelier. And the more she lives, perspective gives her sight so crystal clear. That's why I brought you to see the view from here so you could see the straights Magellan sailed, the battlefields where good prevailed, the pyramids, St. Peter's dome, the tiny Island that you call home...'

Maddie looked over the side at the world below. It looked beautiful at night. Time for Pippa to do her part to help Maddie and do something she never imagined she would do.

"Maddie, look down there. Our world, do you see it?" Pippa asked

"Yes, Pippa," Maddie said

"I love this world, Maddie. I love it more than anything in the universe."

"So do I Pippa, so do I."

"Well, I'm very glad to hear that Maddie. Very glad. You wanna know why?"


"Because the world and part of my powers are what I want to give you."

"What?!" Maddie asked shocked

"I'm giving them to you."

"But Pippa, why do you want to give away your powers?"

"Maddie, I'm an old, old girl. Much older than you think. I can't keep bringing life to the world forever. I have to give it to someone new. Someone good, and honest, and kind, who loves to mix things up, and that someone, Maddie Walker, is you."

Maddie and Pippa started to sing over each other

'Maddie, you and I, we make something out of nothing,' Pippa said her part. 'Me and you, Maddie, we see things that aren't there. Maddie, you and I, we ask how but never why. It's me and you, Maddie. Me and you when the world seems full of spies and thieves and for all that's good, your spirit grieves. You may meet a girl-'

'I cannot believe this!' Maddie said in disbelief, 'You and me, Pippa, floating flying in the air! And there could never be a girl as fortunate as me. Me and Pippa! That one's Mars and Pippa! All the stars and Pippa...'

'And she believes,' they said together

'And there's your new Earth's Angel,' Pippa said smiling and making a ball of light appear in her hand

'In what I do. Is it true? I'm an Angel!' Maddie said looking at the ball

'And now high above.'

'The thing we love,' the two said

'It's time for your premiere!' Pippa smiled, 'That's why I brought you-'

'To see the view from here!'

'So take in this perfect speck of blue,' Pippa said letting the ball of light go into Maddie, transforming her, 'And everything I give to you. The Earth! And to see...'

The light around Maddie faded, 'The view from here.'

Pippa made a mirror appear so Maddie could look at herself. Her fringe now had a large dark blue strip, and atop her head was a crown with a blue star which represented the Earth, her new outfit was a combination of white and yellow, she had a pair of blue Angel wings, and an Autobot insignia around her neck. She loved her new look but there was one question on her mind: Why did Pippa do this and why her?

She asked and Pippa just explained that she believes that Cybertron is her true home and she'd prefer to stay there for the rest of her days. As for choosing Maddie, she admired how brave Maddie was when she cast that spell to stop her. So, she knew that there was someone worthy enough to take care of Earth instead of her. Maddie thanked her for this. Pippa would teach her what her powers were and how to use them and she taught her how to fly. But Maddie still had something she needed to do. 

The story isn't over yetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora