Chapter Ten: Things Get Worse

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Well, Selena would be right about one thing. Having the many different statuses of the world in one place wasn't a good idea. There were people entitled enough to try and ask one of the four if they had to stay around the poor and homeless. Karens were the worse when it came to complaining about the new living conditions.

There were times when Selena had to restrain herself from hitting some of these people for being so entitled and stupid. But, as the numbers grew, so did the complaints and the arguments among the people. Selena wanted to wait a while before she set all the rules but it soon became clear that she had to set them now. So, she went up to a balcony that she had made ages ago and looked over the massive crowd of people. 

"SHUT IT! Look, I know no one here likes the living arrangements but you have to deal with it because it's a lot better than the world outside of this lab. I know a lot of people here don't like each other and, believe me, I know what it's like to be around people I hate. Paul and Piro are big examples. But here's a reality check for everyone in the room, not just the rich and famous idiots. None of you are special. As soon as you walk into my lab, you are just like everyone else. If you're rich, forget it. Your money won't get you anything while you're here. Poor and homeless people, you will be happy to hear that everyone will be treated like you lot were. Karens, just shut up. Politicians, leaders, and presidents, you have no power here. The only people with power in this room are myself, Piro, and Paul. I'll decide if Maddie does later. The only time you will have power over people is when I send a group of people outside to collect supplies or people but that's the only time you will have power. Famous people to singers, actors, just famous because you did something, and more, you are no longer famous. You will not be treated how you were back when you had fame. You'll be treated like everyone else. I don't care if you're Elon Musk or an actor in Marvel or some scrap. I am not treating you like a celebrity. Now that we've established that, here are my rules which I will not repeat again; you are free to leave whenever you want. You aren't prisoners, you have every right to leave. Do not kill, molest, abuse, or rape anyone. You will be punished for it. Do not complain to any of us about the littlest things because we will ignore you. And finally, we will be training you to fight every other day for when the revolution eventually comes. And yes, I did just say 'revolution'. We're not hiding forever. We will stand up and fight against Pirate and take our world back. If you have any questions, keep them to yourselves or ask someone who cares. I'm not on the list. Everyone got that? Yes? No? Good. Now shut up! I don't want everyone's loud arguing being the reason we're caught."

Selena left the balcony and returned to Piro, Maddie, and Paul. Now that Selena was thinking about it, Selena went to her desk where she started to make something that would be handy later. The people became quieter while the other three showed everyone where they would be staying. It would soon be revealed that Selena had a plan for Paul and anyone she sent out to get supplies, and survivors, and to spy on Pippa.

She would have them all dress up as Pirates, Romans, Egyptians, etc. so they can blend in. But she was making something special for Paul. So she could see what Paul sees when he's out and to hide his scar, Selena made Paul an Eyepatch that had a built-in camera. When that was made, she had Paul dress as a Pirate and told him to wear the eyepatch. He was slightly offended by it but understood what her plan was.

To test the disguise, Paul was sent out alone to just wander the streets of Tua Bay. The whole Island was now populated by so many different characters who were terrorizing the place. Windows were being broken, shops were being robbed, and any survivors who had been caught were being tormented or killed. It was a horrible sight but it was one a lot of people were used to. But Paul's disguise worked because the people around him were making him do horrible things when they saw that he wasn't doing anything except wander around.

Testing his luck, Paul tried the palace where Pippa was sitting on her throne, admiring the sight of the people celebrating the success of taking the island as theirs. And Pippa would turn a blind eye to Paul when he walked into the room. Seeing that the disguise worked, Selena would send more people out to observe or help people who refused to join Pippa's side. Paul was quick to gain Pippa's favor as he spent more time at the palace.

And this was exactly what Selena wanted. This would give her a better chance to see what Pippa was up to and what her plans were. And maybe, just maybe, she can use the information to help the people rise up and take back their world. But, as time flew by, nothing would come up. Pippa's plans were all improvised so Selena couldn't sabotage her. She's tried many times to get to another island before Pippa invades it but Pippa always seemed one step ahead.

In a matter of months, the entire world was under Pippa's rule. Well, everywhere apart from Nammu. The island Felicity was on with her new girlfriend. You see, that island is like Tortuga in Pirate stories. It's a safe haven for criminals of all kinds of crimes. Felicity works there as a bartender at the local bar. But now that everywhere had been taken over, Selena and Piro couldn't leave the lab without the risk of being caught. And that's how it would be for years. 

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