Chapter Five: What Pippa is up to

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The next morning, everyone on the island told Selena and Piro what happened last night, worried about what they saw. Neither of them had an explanation. Selena mentioned talking with Pippa about the power outage but she couldn't explain everyone's dreams being the same. Selena didn't sleep that night so she didn't see the dream that everyone was describing and she didn't notice anything off. That's when Maddie brought something to the girl's attention.

The animals from the Zoo were running free and stores were robbed. The glass had been broken when Pippa stole from them. Selena had Vincent scan the glass for any kind of evidence but absolutely nothing came up. Selena had seen stuff like this before but to leave no evidence that someone was there? This was new and not something Selena liked very much. The three met in Selena's lab to talk and be away from the Islanders.

"Who could do something like this?" Piro asked

"I want to say Selena but she spends most of her time in here so it couldn't be her," Maddie said

"There is no blood, fingerprints, or even a person on any security camera in the street and the shops. Either they're invisible or they edited the footage," Vincent said. 

"Can you do that?" Piro asked Selena

"It's possible for someone to do that but, if you're implying that I did it, even if I could, I wouldn't edit the security footage," Selena said, "I didn't steal anything. I have no reason to. And I certainly have no reason to let zoo animals loose."

"Well, someone did it," Maddie said

"No way. Really?" Selena asked sarcastically.

"Don't start," Piro told Selena, "Why isn't Pippa here? She should know about this or at least be discussing it with us."

"Her ship has left the harbor," Maddie said, "I tried to talk to her about it but she was gone."

"Knowing her she's probably gone to the past to visit someone," Selena said, "We're not seeing her until she gets back. Whenever she decides that's going to be."

And Selena was right. Pippa had gone back in time to gain an army. So far she'd been to ancient Rome, Ancient Egipt, the two World Wars, any famous wars, and everywhere to find famous killers throughout the years. She found that they were very easy to convince. She had decided that taking over the world would be better than just getting her revenge on Selena and those who wronged her. And, if she was going to do that, she needed an army. People she can trust to follow her command. There was just one last place to go. The years when Pirates ruled the seas.

She just felt that it was fitting considering her last name was Pirate. But she certainly got a lot of looks wandering around dressed as she was and with a pair of wings. Not that she cared. She walked into a bar on Tortuga looking for pirates that would join her. Of course, absolutely no one took her seriously. They thought this Pirate Angel was a joke. But a small crew decided to see what she was like. They had been abandoned by their captain months before so they were looking for a new one.

The leader of the group talked with Pippa about her plan. She lied to him saying that she had a plan to make pirates rulers of the world instead of all the rich and wealthy. He asked how she intended to do that. She told him about her ship which could sail, fly, and travel through time. She also explained what the future was like and how it would be easier to take over. Other Pirates overheard and became curious. In the span of a few months, she had an army. Even the most famous pirates were on her side.

Meanwhile, back with Selena, Piro, and Maddie, they really couldn't figure out what had happened. They searched everywhere and everyone for the things that were stolen but no one had them. Pippa had them in her cargo hold. Not that they knew that. Maddie even went to her father, Paul about it but he hadn't been able to get out of his cell. Along with that, he had no reason to do all the things Pippa had done. They had hit a dead end.

The story isn't over yetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें