Chapter Eighteen: The final battle

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So, after their half-hour break, the two sides met again. The battle started all over again but, this time, Pippa fought with her people. This gave George a chance to try and fight her. Safe to say that it didn't last long nor did it go the way George had imagined. During their duel, Pippa got close enough to drive her sword through his abdomen. It didn't instantly kill him but it certainly got him out of the fight.

Selena wasn't having a good time either. Any injuries she had sustained last time had come back with a few added injuries. Her once green shirt was now stained with her own blood, her nose was now broken after being punched in the face, and she had deep cuts all over. Piro, Maddie, and Paul were no different

 And their people were slowly being killed off one by one. Everyone had their go at Pippa but the most they ever did was scratch her or graze her. It would get so bad that Selena was forced to use a spell that knocked everyone to the ground just to stop the fighting for a moment. Pippa took that as a challenge and told everyone to stop their fighting. 

"Is this your way of surrendering?" Selena asked using her staff to stand up

"You and me. One last fight. Whoever is the last standing will win this battle once and for all," Pippa said

"Now that's a fair fight."

Selena painfully hobbled closer to the Angel and prepared for the fight ahead. It would be a fight using just their magic. Selena was in no fit state for any form of combat so this was their only option. Selena used every spell she could think of against Pippa but it soon became a mission of protecting herself from Pippa's attacks. Being the daughter of a God and with the added power of her Uncle, Pippa had an advantage while Selena was an amateur Witch.

But Vincent had an idea and started looking through the archive of spells for one that might win Selena this battle. But Selena soon couldn't keep it up and she was once again knocked to the ground. She was too bloodied and bruised to stand any more of this battle. For once, she was ready to accept defeat. Pippa walked over to the weak Witch and towered over her.

"Be done with it then," Selena said

Pippa was ready to use her powers to tear out Selena's heart when shits started firing from above. It was the former Decepticon ship, The Nemesis, that was being piloted by Optimus, Knockout, Starscream, and a handful of former Decepticon troopers. They were just warning shots to scare Pippa and her army away. With Pippa distracted, Maddie went over to Selena and helped her to her feet. Selena told Maddie to help her up to the ship as she needed to talk with Optimus.

Maddie managed to hold Selena up enough to carry her up to the ship. Selena's jetpack had been broken during the fight so she couldn't fly but Maddie could as her jetpack wasn't damaged. Once they made it onto the ship, Selena directed Maddie to the Bridge where Optimus, Starscream, and Knockout were. Seeing his girlfriend in the state she was in, Knockout activated his holoform and rushed over to her. He took her from Maddie and started looking over her heavily injured body.

"I didn't tell you to come," Selena said to Optimus.

"Vincent informed us of your situation," Optimus said

"And just in time too. You should be dead," Knockout said.

"I know. But this battle isn't over yet," Selena said

"It is for you. Doctors orders."

"Is there any way to stop her?" Maddie asked

"There is a way but I fear that Selena is in no condition to do it," Vincent spoke up as he was part of the ship, not just Selena's mask, and lab

"What's your plan?" Knockout asked

"Selena once found a spell that could completely strip Pippa of her powers. Without her powers, we could win this battle. And perhaps Unicron will be taken too."

"What is the price?" Optimus asked knowing that Selena's magic always came at a price

"None. We just need to cast it," Selena said.

"You are not casting any spell in your state. You can barely stand," Knockout said

"I'll do it," Everyone looked at Maddie, "Selena's spells are in Spanish and I know Spanish. I can cast the spell."

"You're not magic," Selena said.

"Neither is your daughter and she made a snake appear. Please. I want to do this."

"If not done right, Pippa will be killed. And Selena may never be able to use her magic again," Vincent warned.

Everyone went quiet. But Optimus believed that it was worth the risk. Starscream didn't want Maddie to cast the spell because he didn't want his twin to die. But he knew it had to be done. Selena told Maddie that her staff had been abandoned back on the ground. But, before Maddie left to get it, Selena gave Maddie her mask. That way, Maddie can read the spell without having to quickly memorize it. Maddie took it and put it on before leaving. Maddie flew back down to the chaos below and grabbed Selena's staff which had been laying on the floor.

Maddie flew back up so she could hover above the crowd. Vincent displayed the spell for Maddie to read. She started to recite the spell while pointing the staff at Pippa who had suddenly noticed what Maddie was doing. She tried flying up to stop her but the spell was starting to its work. Maddie would repeat the spell at least three times in the hopes that it would work. And, on the third try, Pippa's powers and Unicron had been taken away and into the staff. It was now a vessel to contain the two.

Pippa survived the spell but she was now powerless and her wings had been taken from her. Maddie returned to the ground and dropped the staff before Unicron could do anything to her. Seeing their leader defeated, Pippa's side surrendered. Piro stepped forward and told everyone that they would be returned to the times that they had been taken from once they figured out how to use Pippa's time-traveling ship. The war was over. But there was still much left to do. 

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