Chapter Thirteen: Standing up to the Angel

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Meanwhile, in the palace, Pippa was doing what she usually does. Dine with her select few. Mostly leaders like Cleopatra, Blackbeard, Caeser, and so many more. Paul had left the cave to do his spying again and sat at a table with a few people he had befriended. George was there too. He just wanted to get close to her and confront her about what she had done to his reputation. All ruined when she showed up back in his time.

Yes, he still had his ship, The Cozmo, and his crew but he wanted to be feared again. He wanted to rule the seas. With Pippa controlling everything, it's impossible. He looked up at Pippa, who was clearly thinking to herself. Unicron, who would continuously talk to her in her head, was trying to get Pippa to do something about the whole Selena problem but, with no leads as to where she was, she couldn't go and kill her. She's tried everything she can to interrogate the spies she has caught but they won't talk.

And Selena taught them a trick to stop her from looking into their minds so that wasn't any help either. But she knew the end of everything she's caused was coming to an end. She would look into the minds of her select few to see if any of them had any doubts about her or if any of them had thoughts of betraying her. She knew her answers. But, by this time, she was considering if everything that her Uncle promised her would be worth it in the end. Though she pushed those thoughts aside when her followers started to sing. 

'Look at all my trials and tribulations sinking in a gentle pool of wine. Don't disturb me now, I can see the answers, 'till this evening is this morning, life is fine. Always hoped that I'd be an apostle. Knew that I would make it if I tried. Then when we retire, we can write the Gospels, so they'll still talk about us when we've died.'

Pippa stood up from her throne and looked over the crowd of people. She had to tell them what she was feeling about events that are yet to happen.

'The just a little harder, when brought about by friends. For all you care,' she made a bottle of wine appear in her right hand, 'this wine could be my blood. For all you care,' she made half a loaf of bread appear in her left, 'this bread could be my body. The end! This is my blood you drink,' she made the bottle disappear but everyone's cups filled up, 'This is my body you eat,' she made the bread appear on their tables all sliced up to eat, 'If you would remember me when you eat and drink.'

'You must be mad thinking you'll be remembered!' Unicron said making Pippa visibly wince slightly

'Yes, I must be out of my head!' Pippa agreed, 'Look at your blank faces. My name will mean nothing ten minutes after I'm dead. One of you denies me. One of you betrays me.'

With her thoughts finally out in the open, everyone started to panic and freak out. Who planned to betray her? Who planned to deny her? Pippa descended the stairs to her throne to walk among the crowd. Paul's blood ran cold at the mention of the last one. Did she know the plan? Selena was watching the events unfold from the lab and told him not to do anything. They didn't know for sure if Pippa knew who he was. 

'Cleopatra will deny me in just a few hours,' Pippa revealed the first one, 'Three times will deny me, and that's not all I see. One of you here dining, one of my few chosen will leave to betray me.'

Paul was ready to make a quick get-away when George suddenly stood up and walked over to her. This surprised both Paul and Selena. One of Pippa's people is standing up to her? This hasn't happened since this whole thing started. 

'Cut out the dramatics! You know very well who,' George said done with her now

'Why don't you go do it?' Pippa asked him. Though it was more of a challenge than a request 

'You want me to do it!' George was rather surprised

'Hurry, they are waiting.'

'If you knew why I do it.'

'I don't care why you do it!'

'To think I admired you. Well, now I despise you!'

'You liar. You George.'

'You want me to do it! What if I just stayed here and ruined your ambition? Pirate, you deserve it!'

'Hurry, you fool. Hurry and go. Save me your speeches, I don't want to know. Go!'

George just stared at her. As her select few started singing, George started to make his way out of the palace. Curious about the pirate, Selena told Paul to follow George and maybe bring him back to the lair. He might be useful. Paul got up and followed him, putting an arm around him to talk with him. Pippa turned around and made her way back up the stairs to her throne. Paul barely said a word when George pushed him off him and turned back to the dark angel. 

'You sad, pathetic girl, look where you've brought us to, our ideals die around us, and all because of you. But the saddest cut of all: Someone has to turn you in like a common criminal, like a wounded animal. A dated mandarin, a jaded mandarin, like a faded, jaded, jaded, faded, faded mandarin!'

Pippa used her powers to throw him across the room, into Paul who just managed to catch George, 'Get out, they're waiting! Get out! They're waiting! Oh, they are waiting for you!'

George got up and pushed Paul away from him again, 'Every time I look at you I don't understand why you let the things you did get so out of hand. You'd have managed better if you had a plan... Why...' 

George turned away and headed for the door, out of the castle and away from her. Paul looked at Pippa who just sat back on her throne, not even phased by the incident. He quickly left too to talk with the Pirate but, as soon as Paul walked out the door, George was long gone. But that was only the beginning of the trouble. It would only get worse from here. 

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