Chapter Sixteen: Preparing for the War

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Selena was starting to panic a little with the whole lab now evacuated. She didn't think everyone was prepared for the battle to come. She's had years of experience while some of these people have had little to none. She tried not to show her stressed-out state and started to think of a quick plan. She contacted Optimus quickly to tell him that everyone had gotten out safely. He would once again as if now was the time for him and a few other Cybertronions to come to Earth.

Selena repeated no and said that she would handle it. She would hang up before Optimus could protest. She asked Paul how many people were in Pippa's army while she had Vincent sum up how many people they had on their team. Pippa had a Division worth of people on her side while they only had enough for a small Brigade. Selena already knew what the outcome of this battle would be. They would most defiantly lose. George offered to recruit his crew but, even with a crew of pirates, they were still outnumbered.

Selena would even try the few world leaders if they could somehow contact their militaries to help but, just as Selena said at the beginning, they had no power anymore. Pippa had taken it from them. Selena would never ask for help from the military given their history together but she was desperate. Unfortunately, luck was no longer on their side. But she would have one last idea which she hoped would work.

There were hundreds of criminals on the island of Nammu where her best friend, Felicity, had been staying for the past five years. Technically, Selena was no longer part of the crowd but what other choice did she have? It wouldn't be much but it would give them a slightly better chance at winning this battle. Selena put Piro in charge and told Maddie to follow her. Using the spare jetpack from earlier, Maddie flew away with Selena to Nammu. The flight was quiet.

Selena hadn't stepped foot on this island in years, nor has she spoken a word to Felicity since this whole thing started. But she thought that Felicity would be fine with it since them not being in contact with each other had become normal. But, in reality, Felicity was far from fine with it. Something that Felicity had never told Selena or anyone was that she has had a crush on her for years. It was plainly obvious to some people but Selena was blind to it due to not being interested in a love life at the time and she already had a partner.

Felicity lied to Selena about her finding a girlfriend to try and make Selena jealous but that never happened. But anyway, Selena and Maddie would soon arrive on the island which hadn't changed a bit since Selena left. She took Maddie's hand and took her to the Boy's Boat Inn to visit her old friend. Along with that, that's where a lot of the population liked to spend their time. Usually drunk. They walked in and straight to the bar where Felicity was serving drinks. It wasn't hard to notice her old friend.

"Oh, so you're not dead," Felicity said

"You sound disappointed," Selena said

"Everything gets broadcasted on the TV. I honestly thought the little invasion was the end of you."

"That wasn't but this next part will. The revolution is starting now and we need more people to fight in it. We're outnumbered."

"You won't get these people to join you. Because, in case you forgot," Felicity tugged the Autobot insignia that was on a necklace around Selena's neck, bringing her closer over the bar, "You're an Autobot now. You're no longer the villain."

Selena took herself and the necklace back and tucked it back under her shirt, "Mutual party. I wanted to be on my own."

"Says the one who brought someone with them," Felicity looked at Maddie.

"I still don't know why I'm here," Maddie said

"To show you the other dark sides of my world," Selena said

"This isn't your world anymore!" Felicity snapped gaining the attention of the whole Inn, "You will never get these people on your side. While you wear that insignia, no one will listen to you. Pippa let us off because we were classed as her people. We didn't argue because we wanted to survive. So you're wasting your time." 

Selena was slightly taken aback by her friend's little rant. She took a glance at the TV above her friend to see Pippa making an announcement about how the survivors had waged war on her and that this will be their final battle. Selena really couldn't take the angel seriously. But this gave her an idea. She told Maddie to stay there and that she'd be back in a minute. She walked out of the Inn and flew back to Tua Bay.

Maddie tried to follow anyway but Felicity stopped her claiming that it wasn't worth it. Selena arrived back at Tua Bay and flew right over the crowd of people listening to Pippa talk. She had her tape player playing 'Welcome to the Jungle' while she caused some instant mischief. She flew right over Pippa and stole her hat. She teased that it looked better on her, putting the hat on. Pirates and many others tried shooting at her but she just flew off with the hat in hand. Pippa told them all to stop and flew after her.

Selena would just lead her on a long flight all over Tua Bay, avoiding the place where everyone was hiding, while continuing to tease her about anything that came to mind. When she got bored, and as her music game to an end, Selena shot her in the wing, sending her falling down into the wood below. That entire time, everyone on Nammu watched as Selena became her old self again. Selena landed back in the town center and approached the cameras. She tossed the hat to the side as she stared right into the camera.

"I know you're watching this, Felicity. You too, people of Nammu. I don't care what you think of me but I need you all to join me in the fight against Pippa Pirate. I don't expect you all to join. But I promise you all that you will be recognized for it if you help us. Maybe you'll even be free of any criminal charges. And as for whose side, I'm on," Selena ripped the necklace off her neck and threw it to the side, "I'm on my own side. I'm not good, I'm not evil. I'm just me. A Groundbridge will open up to you in five minutes. See you soon."

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