Chapter Eleven: Reporting to Optimus

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While everyone was asleep, Selena finally did something she should've done a long time ago, of course, it was risky but she had no choice. She was calling Pippa's boyfriend, Optimus Prime. He had been on Cybertron for a while now but Pippa chose to stay on Earth primarily to keep Selena in check. But now she had to give him the news about his girlfriend. But, as always, he didn't answer Selena's calls. He was a hard bot to reach sometimes. But Selena would keep trying until he answered. She was video calling him from her consoles so she could speak to him face to face. Just as she got annoyed about him not answering, Optimus answered the call.

"Selena," Optimus greeted.

"Hey Prime," Selena said.

"This is rather unexpected."

"Yeah, well, we have a problem here on Earth and we might need an assist."

"What is the situation?"

"It's your girlfriend, Pippa. It would appear that the former Angel has become a fallen Angel," Optimus looked confused, "You're girlfriend had turned bad and it's all thanks to her Uncle, Unicron."

"Not possible. Unicron's Anti-Spark is here on Cybertron in the vessel the Allspark was once kept in."

"Yeah, that's what we all thought but she showed me what happened. Vaguely. As far as I know, she went back in time to watch the day that we, or more like you, put Unicron back to sleep when he wanted to rise."

"I recall that day."

"So do I but anyway, as far as I know, Unicron somehow managed to latch onto present Pippa and come back to the present day. The rest of the details are unknown but I can guess that Unicron convinced her to become evil and, well, the sight isn't pretty. Both on her and outside my lab."

Selena showed him the videos that she and Paul had recorded to give Optimus an idea of what their situation is. Optimus looked shocked. He would never imagine that the Angel would do something like this. 

"I hope you didn't make any plans to marry her because even this would put me off her and I'm not even dating her," Selena said

"Are there any survivors?" Optimus asked ignoring Selena's comment.

"Many. I can't give you a body count but we have homeless, poor, middle calls, rich, famous, children of all ages, and a couple of politicians. Then there's me, Piro, a girl I'm getting used to called Maddie, and Paul. I think you remember him. Oh, and my kids who are missing their father. But I'm already risking enough just talking to you now."

Optimus nodded, "do you have a plan?"

"Why do people keep asking that? I don't have one. I'm just making sure everyone is safe, I'm considering training them just in case we start some kind of revolution, and just sending in spies to spy on Pippa and get some form of plan out of her."

"I would come to Earth but our Spacebridges have been shut down and the Nemesis will not make it to Earth for some time."

"And you'd need an army. Look, I'll update you on our situation and, should we need it, I'll call you for assistance. I think we're safe for now but, if things go sour, I'll give you a call."

"Very well. I will do what I can to prepare for your call."

"Good to know. Selena out."

Selena hung up and sighed, bowing her head and leaning against the console. She wished she could do more to save the people of Earth and the Earth itself but there was nothing she could do. At least not alone. She didn't want to ask for help or do teamwork but, at this point, she had no choice. Feeling like she's been distant from them since this all started, Selena went into the room that held all the children that had been saved to visit hers.

All five of her kids were asleep, even baby Elita who she thought would be the fussiest being a baby still. She sat near them and just watched them. She felt like she was having Deja vu. Years ago, before he died, Adam was just like the rest of them. Living in a cave that he could never leave just because of who his mother was. Now the rest and so many more children would suffer the same fate. She didn't want to do that to any of them but what choice did she have?

Who knows what Pippa would do to the children that didn't want to side with her? Selena soon left them all to sleep and went to her balcony to sit there for a while. But, just as she told Optimus, she would soon train the people who were able to fight just in case a revolution did happen or if any of them needed the experience for when they were out. Paul would assist when he wasn't out.

And so would the few people who did train in martial arts or whatever. While everyone was asleep, Selena would train Maddie herself so she was on the same skill level as her. And because the two had grown close in the span of a few months. Meanwhile, in Pippa's Palace, she was becoming desperate. She knew that Selena and Piro were up to something and she wanted to know what. But never got answers out of anyone. Not even her own spies could find Selena's lab.

She knew where it was but the place was abandoned. Selena knew that Pippa would search her lab first so she had everyone evacuate and hide until Pippa's crew had left, reporting that no one was there. So Pippa was convinced that Selena had moved somewhere else. She just couldn't find it. But little did she know at the time that there were people on her side wishing to turn on her. Meet a pirate called George.

He was once a pirate who ruled the seas along with many other Pirates of his time. But just as he became one of the best, Pippa swooped in and took his spotlight. So he became vengeful, longing for the life Pippa stole back. And he would do anything to get it. But he could barely get close to her most of the time. So he wouldn't get his revenge anytime soon. 

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