Chapter Fifteen: Revolutions on its way

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Meanwhile, Paul had been trying to spot both George and Ellie. But he had seen either and didn't know about the girl's deal with George. He was currently caught up with a little dinner that Pippa had set up. No one knew why she did it and she felt like she didn't need to explain. But it wouldn't take long to report both good news and bad news to Selena.

"Uh, Selena," Paul whispered into his com link.

'Little busy,' Selena said.

"It's important!" 

'Fine, what?'

"Good news or bad news first?"

'Just spit it out!'

"Good news, I found your staff."

'And the bad news?'

"Your daughter has it."

It was true, Ellie had left and taken her mother's staff. She was tired of hiding and believed she could take on Pippa herself. Pippa noticed the young girl walk in and quickly noticed the staff dragging along the floor. The staff is just barely taller than Selena who is around 5'4. So it is much taller than Ellie. Pippa greeted the young girl and admired how much she has grown since they last met.

Ellie got straight to the point and told Pippa to surrender Earth back to the people it once belonged to. The people around her laughed while Paul knew that this wouldn't end well. And he knew that this was about to start something Selena did not want. Pippa mocked the fact that Selena's twelve-year-old daughter was brave enough to face her while Selena was too scared to face the angel.

Or at least that's what Pippa thought. Ellie would mutter the only spell she knew which made a snake appear that would do as it was told. Pippa didn't see this as much as a challenge and asked some Egyptian magicians to show Ellie that anyone could do that. Of course, the Egyptians believed that their magic came from their many gods when, really, they were early versions of con artists.

At least that's how Selena would describe them. They would 'magic' up their own snakes to fight Ellie's. But Pippa made a deal first; If Ellie won this little duel, she would give the people their world back. If the Magicians won, everyone who was in hiding would surrender to her. Ellie's snake would lose the battle against the two snakes and disappear into smoke. Ellie knew now that she had messed up severely.

Pippa only smirked and told Ellie to inform her mother that they'll be expecting everyone who was hiding to surrender to her by sundown. Paul would escort the young girl out and take the staff back once they were out of the palace. He contacted Selena telling her to meet back at the lab. Selena, after hearing that her daughter had taken her staff, had told George to turn around and go to her lab. They were there before the two had returned. And Selena was beyond upset at her daughter.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Selena asked the girl

"I wanted to end the hiding," Ellie said

"We were hiding because we had no choice! We had no plan on how to face her so we waited! If you hadn't pulled whatever stunt you pulled at that castle, we might've had a chance! You doomed us!"

"Selena!" Maddie spoke up, "Scolding her won't do anything! We don't even know what she did."

"I do," Paul said, "Pippa made a deal that, if Ellie's snake won a little battle with her snakes, she would give Earth back to us."

"And if she lost, we'd pay the price," Piro guessed.

"More like surrender."

"I lost," Ellie said

Selena cursed to herself, "Right. We'll discuss this later. Pippa will not keep her side of the deal. So, everyone, grab whatever you can. Supplies, weapons, anything we need. We have to leave."

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